Once again you havent replied to my other comments just dribble more fake account crap...
And to All Real traders and miners and people of crypto u look like a fool.

Ive tried to be nice many time with CRW devs over the last 6months to try sort this out behind closed doors but they forced it into the open and still they play there silly games..Ive been doing cyrpto alot longer than crw been around and this is the one and only time ive had to come on bct forum since they would not reply in other ways or try to make you go in ways your data can be used against u later on..
Once again u would know this shit if u knew anything about basic crypto Kid. And you are a kid due to u show this every time you replied and you lack of understand Basic baby arsed crypto... i know people in crypto less than a week that understand it better than u do KID!!.
"I wouldn't be surprised if people don't just ignore you for clear trolling"
Im 1 of the world best crypto trolls but i dont win my crypto wars with bs and factless i WIN with FACTS+alil FU= win
And this is no troll war as ur just a baby ass troll with no crypto knowledge or trolling skill

( you more than likely from USA were all the fail trolls come from

This is a issue were the dev's think there above helping the people that helped them in the hardest time of there coins life but nah treat long term customers and miners like shit..i give them 100 of hours of help they cant even give 3mins per wallet update...
Shows there style and shows your fake ass account.
This Kids fake account is just a made up account of 1 of the crw DEvs to try talk shit without looking like its 1 of the devs...Isn't hard to see....
You should of bought a legend account of swapsie, so u actuly looked the part but still would of failed with you lack of basic crypto knowledge

I dont care if they dont respond as long as ALL investors of CRW know what there doing and what games they play..by them not responding in there non-fake account shows ALL crw miners and traders this..Like i said if they had facts to come back with they would of by now but they dont cuz ive used all the FACTs kid :_)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Smoke&mirrors young jedi troll, its 90% of crypto..
Stabycroc ;_)>>