Stabycroc here.... ;_)>>
Now Ive never had a need to make a BCT forum account till now..
Ok 1st of to the newcomers to crw, your acting like the crw devs and forgetting who and whom helped crw get were it is today.
I was the 1st and only promoter of crown coin ( the original devs couldn't even speak English or good enough to talk to site or promo there coin )
Ps you dont see me making fake arsed proposals to get free coins for the real start promo of this coin do ya? but there willing to give 10000s away to get dumped to nobody and people that had 1month worth of crw love....
I was the one of the 1st and only miner OF CRW and the 1 that got ALL the larger hash miners at the time to point there hash at CRW, Due i have ernt my crypto stripes with them aswell as with traders alike..If you understand crypto u need hash to keep young coins alive or they die pretty Fin fast.
Dear new to cyrpto, only devs and scammers make tweeter and fb accounts REAL miners and traders DONT... so posting your updates there is just silly.. You know were a great place to give update would be?!?! Were you was born!! CCEX....
Ive tried to contact the REAL crw devs many time threw email but get giving to some nubcake with no idea what or whom i have been to crw or in the crypto world as a whole, even tho Crown knight knows wtf Ive done for CRW over the YEARS! Is this the reason infernal left cuz you don't show respect to those that help grow your coin? bs responses and even no responses even tho your helping them
Im kind of done with these bs updates that u dont update your CORE traders/miners about....So that the 1s in the inner circle get the blocks we miss due to no idea of update..There that sly they even leave the wallet zip file the same, most REAL crypto coins will have the wallet version in the zip file name..I advised to do this months ago but still they play there sly games.
Im more than happy to Dump all my coins and be done with you and CRW....and wont be dumped on trex either... WINK WINK.....50 sat inc!!!
Listen if ya haven't been in crypto for more than 5 years stfu and dont be a smart ass with no clue of anything, so many A lickers with no clue but want to give their 2c worth against people and TRUSTED devs (not u CRw devs u lost the trust 3 updates ago ).....You welcome to come to the ccex/topia trollboxs and learn thing or 2 from the old guard trolls!!
Ps respond with facts not fiction or u will get trolled.
Stabycroc :_)>>
Facts? Just look a couple of posts above brother..You no crypto bro of mine u have to ern those stripes ya nubcake.. And clearly u cant read as i made that point clear... REAL traders and miners dont have tweeter or fb accounts only scammers and devs do.its a security thing if u actuly knew anything. crw devs should be going HOME to tell there 1St promoters and traders of there coin about updates, isnt fin hard..
Who are you anyway?IM Stabycroc, if u were actuly some 1 in crypto u would know who i am, why dont u ask crown knight who the F i am....she knows..Ask infernal actuly ask every trader ever to go on ccex( i used to chat mod there and got the job cuz of my trust rating with all and my troling skills to put lil try hard troll into there tini wini box) You seem to have mined Crown back in the day? So what? That just means you managed to gather a large stack of Crown early, weldone.. What does Crown owe you now? Once agian your showing that you have no understanding of basic crypto and how pow coins work..Plz invest in STFU coin its on da rise, ul love it!!
Do you market Crown professionally or submit code anywhere? If so, point it out.. Sure 5 years of site chat logs should do, nah all i need is crown knight as she seen and knows what ive done .. i dont need to A lick like you doing and make fake proposals to get some free coins to dump, i mined mine and if i mined mine in the early day i took the risk NO else would... see basic crypto stuf u got no clue of..
Crown seems to be doing quite well from the actual development they're doing..Listen i have no issues with CRW GROWTH projects and i made that very clear in emails to them but there alot that are clearly waste of crw and should not even be thought of I can see this on github, you don't need to have been in crypto since 2013 to see this hahahaha that done qiute well czu people like inferal and me got Big hash miners and trades into CRW how the F do u think it went from 50 sat to 89k sat kid? did u do any of that nope stfu ( dont forget STFu coin on da rise)
Who the hell is infernal? And is that REALLY the reason he left or is this from your own vast world of thought? It'd be good if an active dev can confirm why infernal left..? That u dont know who infernal is and whom is is to the growth of CRW shows u know nothing about CRW ( crown knight can fill ya in ) Plz stfu before u make yourself another fake account
WOW, nice guy alert. I will buy them all from C-cex at 50sat, deal

I told u come with Facts or F off... Facts+Fu=Crypto troll win....Dont forget about STFU coin on da rise 2...