d10e hype
The ironic thing is that centralized decisions have been common from the author of that quote since the beginning. Centralized decision making helped create the instamine. Centralised decision making (combined with heavy moderation) help retain control (via increasing taxes on miners by the masternodes largely owned by the instaminers)
It's time to discuss Dash's fake, in-name-only decentralization.
Dash, like ETH and DAO, suffers from the harmful property of "Decentralization Theater."
Why does it matter?
See here:
http://urbit.org/blog/dao/In Dijkstra's terms:
decentralization theater considered harmful.
Decentralization theater means any system that produces not decentralization, but the appearance of decentralization. Security theater is the enemy of real security; decentralization theater is the enemy of real decentralization.
"Decentralization Theater" is an important concept, and a subset of what fluffy referred to as Dash's "security theater."
Years ago, vertoe warned you DashHoles that the project is 100% centralized.
Now we have TheDashGuy ("Well-known member" of Dashtalk.org) confirming the Decentralization Theater:
What the hell is wrong with this picture? i thought we were a decentralized project?
Starting to look like an old fashion centralized company around here. I guess theres only 3 peoples opinions who matter.
I don't exactly support Taos proposal as is but do you see me over here hounding him about spamming or anything just because I wish he would focus on something else? Or treating him like an annoying child like you guys always do?
So get off your high horses. just because you bought so many nodes early on Daniel doesn't give you any sort of ownership over this goddamn project.
It's either decentralized or it isn't. Stop mincing words and meanings. Stick to your shit and stop going back and forth. You guys are really starting to worry me with this whole attitude honestly. Sort of wish I would have done more research about the team before committing so much of my time to this shit.
Grow the hell up and learn some people skills, you guys are really starting to show your true colors it seems. Dictating the way things are going to go and literally making people look bad who disagree with you and or starting some shit about people being trolls.
Not really sure why I'm here honestly, I believed in a decentralized economy that would be more fair to the average Joe, thats obviously not Dash. You guys just wanna stack more MN's while thier cheap, then control the voting all the way through! Smart move!
Such bullshit. Go ahead keep wasting the budget on getting richer and when the whole goddamn project collapses we'll know who to blame.
Get your shit together. Daniel. Kot. EVERYONE.
You'd think this was a fucking gamestop run by teenagers or something the way certain people act and throw around their so called importance to the project.