A prime example is the soda machine... I would like to know who ends up owning this machine that the community is paying for... How much they plan to charge, and what they play to do with any proceeds from soda sales... this is important stuff if you want me to buy you a soda machine... I want to know what you are planning to do with my money...
The costs of building and transporting the machine are what was covered by the proposal. It is what is known as a loss leader. You aren't going to make any money giving away 1 DASH paper wallets and then charging 0.4 DASH for a soda.
This is about publicly demonstrating several important features of DASH that Bitcoin cannot begin to implement:
Instant secured transactions,
Community funding of community approved projects,
Being ready for retail adoption, etc.
The code will be available for anybody who wants to start a business in the future using this approach.
Just wait for a flood of youtube, twitter, blogs, and other social media talking about this in a couple of weeks. You can't buy that kind of publicity for 590 DASH.
I didn't mean to call out that proposal, just using it as an example.
I like the soda machine proposal, the coding involved, etc. I think its great for publicity, and getting a codebase on github for real-world usage, that's all great.
I just want to limit the possibility of fishy proposals getting passed in the dark of the night...
Or, a proposal being misrepresented, and without discussion about it, nobody will know...