The bylaws would say something to the effect of "Proposal submission deadline for the budget is 7 days before the next payout date, to allow a reasonable amount of time to discuss and debate new entries. " In the case where a person goes against the bylaws, the network would vote them down automatically.
Fair enough, but I feel like something needs to be tweaked a bit. I have already seen a few votes come and go without a chance to vote on them. I feel like it is over too quickly.
For something like a soda machine, which will remain someone's personal property, I feel like discussion is required.
I am also skeptical about who is on the receiving end of these expenses... I assume whoever put up that proposal is doing the graphics design, and keep the $400 +$500 travel expenses. How much more of the $2000 are they keeping?
These are the types of things I would like time to discuss before voting... but, I also don't want to troll forum(s) 24/7 to make sure I don't miss my chance...
I think instead of requiring a waiting period we just get the amount of votes needed right. 10% seems too low to me and I would suggest 20% for low budget projects and 30% for higher budget projects. Either way the system is fair. A bad proposal will not get in if has more no votes than 10% of the yes votes(20% yes/11% no).
Perhaps this will help extend the voting period?
I'm not sure of the best solution, but I would appreciate it being looked into, thanks.