Could someone possibly prove themselves to be a thoroughly good egg and share that dashd checker/re-starter script please.
I gave up on my own and now just use the Dashwhale V4 script. It checks if dashd is running, then checks if it is responding. If it doesn't respond it kills it and starts it again. Dashwhale logs the error and sends an email on warnings, errors, and restarts.
Register with, get your api, and add your masternode if you want monitoring,
Download and unzip with this command:
wget -O - | tar -xz
Edit with this. Add api and masternode info.
nano dashwhale-updater/dashwhale.conf
control x y enter to save
Add a script to start every 2 minutes. Start crontab editor here: (choose nano if it asks)
crontab -e
Add this line at the bottom (change home/dash for your install) - make sure you add a return at the end.
*/2 * * * * /home/dash/dashwhale-updater/dwupdater
control x y enter to save