our dash n drink machine's new face (first proto)
I think this is extremely well done and looks very professional. I do have one constructive piece of criticism, though. This is a terrific opportunity for branding and the logo itself is altered to the point that no one would recognize the Dash logo the next time they see it. All the messaging just needs simplifying.
I would stick to the official logo "D" front and center in large print, with no soda cans inside or covering the logo. The soda cans could be behind or around the logo like an explosion, but I would not compromise the branding of Dash by changing the color or appearance or covering it up.
Second, don't underestimate the value of "white space". You essentially have four messages on here ("Dash and drink", a modified logo, "with InstantX", and the logo and website), and the only official Dash logo in official color is WAY down at the bottom where in a crowded environment with people standing in front of the machine, no one will be able to see it. So here's what I would do:
1) Move the blue logo to the top where everyone will be able to see it.
2) people know what to do with soda - you drink it - so simplify message to "Dash and go with instantX" and keep the "with instant X" together with the rest of the message. The message is more confusing when you separate "with InstantX" from the "Dash n' Drink" in this version.
3) Simplify the "D", make it conform to our official brand guidance, and have WAY fewer soda cans floating around or exploding out in the background (behind any other lettering)... you only need a few soda cans to get people to understand the concept and what it is vending
4) Keep
www.dash.org at the bottom to keep the important message simple at the top. Besides, people searching the web will find us even if they don't see or remember the website. It is the least critical element, but we should leave it on there. I'd rather have the main message simple.
With this you would have a consolidated message five words and the logo front and center. And people will still know it's a soda machine. And they will absorb the idea of "instant" more often because it is part of the initial message, not separated.
Edit: Along with making fewer soda cans, I would also make them bigger. You can't tell what they are from a distance.