I'm not so sure, Tok. I may be coming at this from a different angle, but the more I think about Dash Evolution the more I get excited.
Think about this: A global social financial network, ran through a decentralized API, with advanced cryptography being the backbone under the hood. A perfect marriage of techno geeks and the teenage girl next door. Everyone in the world with a Dash page, most not even knowing what was this global network that makes it all possible.
Tao - I identify with your enthusiasm, make no mistake. But 'the force' must be respected. In that regard there are two types of value:
[1] - utility value
[2] - monetary value
What do you notice about these ?
What I notice is that they are mutually exclusive. One does not enhance the other, it impedes it. The most perfect monetary token is one that does not go out of circulation and the most perfect utility item is one that stays in use and does not get used as a store of value.
In bitcoin troll wars, many people make the point that gold has a use in hi-fi connectors and tooth fillings and that this 'adds' to its value. But this is wrong. Monetary premium is maximised when utility premium is minimised because the latter's effect is to force the token out of circulation (or more specifically, out of its role as a store of value and into another role as a utility). There is plenty of anecdotal evidence to back this up, not least the fact that most of the world's gold supply is not residing in people's teeth but in JP Morgan's + Bank of China's vaults where its monetary premium (monetary value over cost of mining) far exceeds its utility premium (utility value over cost of mining).
Look around you. There are thousands of things that have acquired utility value. There are very few which have acquired monetary value. Monetary properties are a very rare thing and fine balance of 6 or 7 different qualities which are almost never found together. If you really think you happen to have stumbled on such a rare occurrence, you do
not want to be doing b.s. like chat systems.
For all Dash's great ideas, one of the things that fell into its lap was being in the right place at the right time. That more than anything is where its value comes from and will remain. January 2014 will never return and if Dash had been invented today it would have a mountain to climb regardless of what tech was involved. It now has a gold mine to work with - all I'm saying is use it for what it is, not what it isn't.
This thing has the potential to be the Facebook of the financial realm
No it doesn't. It has the potential to acquire rare monetary properties that are only found in a couple of elements in the physical realm. One of the characteristics of good money is that it doesn't align itself with any particular sector.
What Dash needs to do (IMO) is consolidate those properties and meanwhile develop technologies that make itself accessible to markets that already have a presence in social media, retail, capital investment, and so on.
Nobody is going to invest in a capital asset because they can talk into their wallet.
Fair enough. But that's the thing with the DAPI. There's nothing stopping someone from using it to create such an app, and that creates demand for Dash. I see what you're saying though, don't limit the actual Digital Cash. Financial Facebook is only ONE thing it is capable of.
Re: Bitcoin: Niagara Falls. Looks like another P & D.