I'm not kidding here.
A few years back I did volunteer work at a nun's psychiatric institution for two straight weeks, dealing with a few dozen schizophrenics, and boy were they saner than our beloved trolleros...
Makes for an interesting psychological study for a student's final year thesis.
Can do some amateur FBI profiling, you could classify people in catagories such as:
0) worker (creates original things, selfless and often works for nothing, a rare breed)
1) helpful (knows some bits and bobs, likes to help)
2) dedicated and passionate (enjoys the ride, cheerleaders)
3) mostly harmless
4) annoying but harmless
5) lurker
6) housebound nerd (pale skined/spotty/bad diet, usually friendly but lacks people skills stays in mum's basement too much)
7) delusions of grandeur (thinks can code)
Eight) deliberately annoying and hurtful (hates themselves, no self love/no girlfriend)
9) hidden agendas for profit (Cui Bono?)
10) bot (terzo?)
11) sociopathic, potentially dangerous (bullied at school, lacks people skills, has been wronged and wants to get the world back for what they have done to him)
12) psychopathic. The most dangerous type-no empathy for others and often is a split personality. Has good memory but repeats things and gets in stuck in confirmation bias loops, does not like to be questioned and often misses the point and violent to their partner.