Actually we are 0.7% of Bitcoin's market cap, or about 1/142.
I make it 0.28% (1/358)
Easiest way to remember it is it's just under 3 thousandths.
So Dash has about 240X more nodes per market cap than Bitcoin. Nice.
I will comment on security by miners. The amount of hashpower(electricity) is proportional to the marketcap(coin price). As Dash price goes up, it is more profitable to mine and more security/miners will be added to the network. The Bitcoin network has about $1,280,000/day in security by miners, Dash has $10,500/day in security. This doesn't include the cost to acquire the miners either which is about 500x the 1 day electric cost. So an attacker would need $640,000,000(1/8 of marketcap) just to get close to 50%, and Dash $5,000,000(1/3 of the marketcap).
That does raise the question, if Dash takes off and matches the BTC marketcap now, how much would be spent on miners/security. The answer is $3,759,000/day. We could reduce the miner share of blockrewards so that millions/day are not just thrown at electricity to power miners. This isn't just an ASIC will solve it problem either. Even with ASICs, eventually more ASICs would be added to use the same electric usage as the value of coins produced. And maybe with a $5 billion marketcap a $3.8 million electric bill is the right amount. Personally, I think it would be be more beneficial to move some miners % at that point to the budget and vote on projects for the community.
Disclaimers: No ASICs are availabe for Dash, nor do I expect them soon. Actual mining electric cost will be less than the value of coins mined to allow for a profit.
Eventually, the miners will come up with the hashes that are used to build the quorums, but will have no control over what is included in the blockchain, thus eliminating the > 50% hash attack vector. The double layer of hash and quorums will be infinitely more secure than POW alone. I don't know how that will play out in hash rate/rewards, but I do see that when ASICs come online, it won't be a threat like it was for Bitcoin and Litecoin, etc... It'll just be a change.
I do see an issue though. Who will set the rates for inclusion into the blockchain? With a flexible block size and a network that is paid to store the blockchain in a distributed manner, does it matter? Do we need fees? Hummmm?
I guess we do, because no matter how much traffic the network can take, it should have a way to reduce unnecessary spam. But If this is somewhat how it'll go, I wonder if the fee will now be set by the MN quorums? Also, the blocks will get to be huge, and I remember reading that China's miners can't package up a block fast enough because of their limited bandwidth. So question is, will this become a problem?
Wow, the more I think about this, the more I see what a challenge all this is
Miners still need to validate transactions that go in a block. If the masternodes order and lock every transaction, there is very little way to game a system like this. Also the 45% block reward for miners could probably be reduced to 5% and still maintain security. Now there is a remaining 40% of block rewards that can be used for something more useful than paying electric bills. With a low mining reward there will probably not be a market to produce and X11 ASIC either.
Evan has said the fees are moving to the merchant/receiver end - so maybe it is still per transaction.
I haven't heard of china miners not being able to package blocks. Some miners are not validating the transactions in a block, it gives them a few second edge on each block and usually will work. If another pool or wallet rejects a block, then those miners not validating lose that block.
It is fun to speculate on the evolution revolution.
So if these masternode quorums are assumed to be safe and miners don't have any power on what is included in the blockchain, why not eliminate the X11 DASH mining completely?
As far as I understand miners only choose the quorums. They have no other purpose. Miners are only used as a kind of "independent oracle".
That task can be done using some other external oracle, you don't need to mine a separate blockchain for that.
Maybe use the bitcoin block hashes for this? Hash rate is bigger, so this is very safe.
I don't think DASH needs PoW if masternode quorums are as safe as you guys tell us they are.
Let the Masternodes write the blockchain and double the payments for masternode rewards (90%) and dev (10%) fund!