The cool thing is Evan never gets his feathers ruffled (well, unless he's excited about code, LOL) and is always nice and polite.
Agreed. In that vein, it might be useful to address the five latest troll-claims prominently in the OP and patiently point newbies there every time the trolls attack.
There is some reason the trolls keep pounding away here even though most of us have them on Ignore. People suggest they are targeting newbies, and that certainly might be the case although it seems that most of the newbie post action here is from troll puppet hit and run accounts. Maybe the real newbies lurk and read for a long time before wading in, in which case the trolls might actually have an audience to justify their amazing time investment.
A partly-baked draft of the kind of "permanent" rebuttal I mean - I'm sure the team can do it better:
1. See Evan's approach of pointing out what happened re the instamine (over and over and over) - it is what it is, and newbies can accept it or walk away - there is no coercion to use the coin (unlike fiat).
2. The MNs give an incentive to hold more - that is very different from "an unfair advantage to large holders". Anyone at all can join the MN (partial) owner club, whether or not they have 1000 or more coins. The concept is analogous to the now-archaic practice of banks paying interest for the use of your money - the network pays MN owners for their investment. Demonizing this practice is quite a stretch!
3. The claim that MNs are not decentralized is a semantic trick, and the implied "be afraid, be very afraid" element is a psychological trick. Consider - the American acronym-agencies allegedly spy on anything and everything. There is no particular reason to think they pay more attention to Amazon AWS than to anything else. That said, increased diversity is of course wise. As for semantic trickery, there is but one planet Earth (centralized), one Internet (centralized), one group of Dash users (centralized), blah blah. Centralization is in the eye of the beholder, but Dash grows more decentralized every day.
4. This is another "be afraid" ploy, but it is worth thinking about. The claim is that if you hold a MN (or a portion of one?) you might be harassed by future AML laws in some jurisdiction or other. True - you might - there is no way to know what witch-hunts may appear in the future. Now what - what follows from that? It is dangerous to get out of bed in the morning. It is also dangerous to remain in bed. In any case, the troll-claim here (mixing is bad) is contradictory to troll-claim 5 (not mixing is bad).
5. The "mixing is slow" claim is a useful improvement tip. It is semantically loaded though - "slow" compared to what? Regardless, it is used to assert the consequent that mixing is not the default (true, I think) and that therefore fungibility is an issue (true, I think). I seem to remember seeing suggestions for this issue such as "keep mixing running in background", but I haven't paid close enough attention to the details. I'm sure the team is working on it though.
That is a great post. Thanks for saving me the typing - I'll go off and do something useful now