I take 100% responsibility for the instamine as a bug and as a feature of Dash.
I think if we want DASH to move toward the grown up world this discussion - any sort of engagement with the parrots regurgitating same old same old garbage - is moot.
In the grown up world, where you must disclose financial statements, have a business plan, disclaimers, risk factors (check out the FORM U-7, DISCLOSURE DOCUMENT as a part of the SCOR Form, used for private funding offerings; Rule 506 of Regulation D) in order to attract investors to your venture, Evan Duffield, as the Virtual Corporation CEO (or whatever) behind DASH already has a huge advantage: his real name and surname, his working history and ethic, his mind-boggling set of innovations. And
Was The Instamine A Positive Thing For Dash? (
https://dashdot.io/alpha/?page_id=118) is all that is needed regarding this particular issue. (it also serves as a perfect disclaimer)
His invention also has a market cap value that is multiple of that of any startup begging for angel investments or venture capital and he does have several hundred or thousands of eligible class "A" shares investors (i.e. investors to Masternodes; I can't know how many individuals hold all these MN for many are multiple MN holders)
He is way up on the scale an investor uses to measure a serious business. So whomever supports DASH should start thinking about the real world, outside of our lunatic fringe niche and push toward realization of the greatest idea humanity has seen, when financial world is in question. Let me reiterate, if one reads
Debt: The First 5,000 Years by anthropologist anarchist David Graeber (also one of the key figures in the Occupy Wall Street movement, thusly a perfect "target" for any and all DASH related promotional activities) he or she would better understand that all the money, throughout the history, was made out of debt. Money as we know it is essentially debt.
DASH is not created out of debt, on the contrary, it is a math based thingy, inflation free (or at least inflation is predictable) that can function better (safer, on a long distance as well) than cash and therefore, capable of enabling the humans to live more humane life than this one we all live under the tyranny of the Financial Crime Cartel and the war-machine that keeps the FCC alive.
This is, indeed, a grown up game, what we strive to achieve.
However, we can't live in a vacuum of a geek-geniuses limbo or spend our time (energy) squabbling with kindergarten kids spewing garbage here (so-called "trolls") for we want a "real world adoption." Well, the real world is confused and confusing enough without any need for
keys or any other crypto geek-speak. People never understood how Netscape worked, and even now, I guarantee you, 99% of the people have no clue what the HTML stands for but are now "enjoying" Chrome (or FF, it does not matter) as they browse the Net anyway.
The underlying genius of DASH technology is here to stay. Well, will it stay in the future tech museum of genial discoveries that never took off onto the real world or not, does not depend, I suspect, on Evan and the developers, it depends on all of us. We were given a unique opportunity to be a part of something big, no matter it flaws, but let us fix these flaws for these are mostly coming from us, the community. We are not as good as the product / invention / genius / token / asset we swear to love and support and have faith in, so we need to step up our work. Fuck these idiots and useless bickering; let us see how to advance this thingy.
I offered several avenues to ponder, from Zoran's art to the IPO and would like to hear opinions, suggestions (like that about key - AHC possibility when resolvign DASH to cash, fiat cash that is, dilemma) and than we can see how to move forward. Evan and the guys might have the money to sustain their work, MN funding would help, but if the price keeps lingering or the DASH would come under a serious attack - no matter who the "attacker" or "attackers" might be - and the price drops it might not survive. That's the nature of the beast.
There are great initiatives already. Ambassadors, Foundation, Virtual Corporation, so let us, all of us, be more concrete in our efforts to strengthen DASH. So, I pledge 50 DASH (at today's price, so $120.00 toward the Zoran Art - Evan's (or a reputable surrogate) trip to Croatia DASH / Crypto EXHIBITION if anyone would bother to try do something about it. That's already 10% of the airfare, coming from one person... so let me see Zoran coming back with the plan, dates, space for it and let us move forward. If he cares only about selling his stuff through the lottery, thus using this community for his enrichment (or to put
kulen on his table, screw it, splawik knows artists in Warshaw or elsewhere in Poland for sure
Other than that, I propose EXPLORATION COMMITTEES for several venues -- with the approval of the key people - one to see how to go about:
-- ISO 4217 Currency Codes and prepare a document re: what's needed to achieve a status of a currency, if possible at all;
-- A DashPay & DasBase like thingies. When I looked at the last budget proposal (October,
https://dashtalk.org/threads/october-2015-budget-proposal.6234/page-2#post-68212) I saw a $2,500.00 for the design. Well, my designer is a genius, a multiple winner of Summit International Creative Award who could do it for $750.00 and save us the money, but the structure of deciding is not prefect yet and I do not want to "push" her talent given how we humans are
but that side, I think we'd have to have a set of proposals (for building such structure, like DashPay) with several bids, open for everyone to see and offer their opinion etc., etc., etc., because all of this would strengthen the project as it goes toward the grown up world.
When I write any of this I have only one real problem with it. Evan is smarter than me
and he - given his background in finance and his deliberate pace forward - might have thought about everything (promotion, adoption, IPO...) more deeply than I ever would, so this would than my own thinking render moot as well. (if he has a set of concrete steps that are coming our way)
But the bottom line is this - let us discuss what we can DO instead of bickering with the morons. It is time to leave the kindergarten behind.