Somebody is making 100DASH ANON Payouts to random people??
Am I reading this correctly??
Yeah dude, it suddenly appeared in my wallet.
Edit : oh darn, they made it disappear again. I should have kept silent as "they" instructed me
i guess they give.. and they take away
uh - it can't be "taken" - uh.....
need better explanation - lol
sorry, i already said too much.
To Gods_of_Crypto : pls talk to me again, i promise i will be silent.
edit : forever !!
edit : and pray more
Ever been touched by the finger of God?
Chilling experience.
I hate to disappoint you guys but that deposit seems to come from mining pool
unless GOD runs mining pools these days...
depends on your definition of GOD, if that is Gold, Oil and Diamonds (GOD) then it could very well be run by GOD