last question , When you guys say that I need 1000 Dash which is basically equal to 10 BTC , does it mean that I need to spend them or something ? or I can keep those on my wallet and use them once I stop using Masternodes
yep, keep them safe in a cold wallet.
Now another last question lol User above said :
What does that means exactly (I get the hosting part), I mean it's not like Bitcoin node ? just opening ports and running the wallet all the time ?
it means you will need to find änd hire a VPN server (some 5$ per month), install firewall, install Dash software and upgrade the Dash software in case of new Dash versions (or in case of upgrades on your rented server) .
These VPN servers normally have a variety of OS to choose from, we normally choose Linux. There are some good manuals on Dashtalk which describes every step to take.
My advice, read through this manual to get a feeling whats needed : TAO'S MASTERNODE SETUP GUIDE FOR DUMMIES
Or you can hire a service to do all that for you:
Moocowmoo's Magic Masternode Maker™ (Hosting)
by moocowmoo
[email protected]
(My personal favorite, I run it. I'm the most expensive, but I'm both a full-time adminstrator and very hands-on. I'll walk you through anything you need. My site is ugly, but my tech is solid. Most of the masternodes hosted with me have been online for nearing a year without any restarts.)
Masternodehosting (Hosting)
by Holger Schinzel (Dash Core team member)
[email protected]
Node40 (Hosting / Pooling / Monitoring)
by orangecycle
Splawik`s Super Shares Service (Hosting / Pooling)
by splawik21
DASH.ORG.RU Masternode Hosting (Hosting / Pooling)
by poiuty
[email protected]