RE: WastedLTC,
$ dash-cli masternode winners 2000 | grep Xb7qiTRzJJewfby9eXGeAcYMN7RNGgPnBw
"333774" : "Xcaj3MuJNCYWy5GQD3LxBq4fsc2X9h5obW:8, XdcKK8eFkabsHGrngymy3zfUKgQe2ZE7jv:1, Xb7qiTRzJJewfby9eXGeAcYMN7RNGgPnBw:1",
"333828" : "XfThq3Rj9w1cnsUk7aAdPqnniV7Fexq1A2:9, Xb7qiTRzJJewfby9eXGeAcYMN7RNGgPnBw:1",
I guess someone else got more votes, thing I dont understand is, don't the people in the pool that didn't win, get put back in the pool for another chance? Gotta Read eduffield's post again....
When you see 1 vote, that's not enough to actually make the system skip. It skips on 2 or more.
Exactly, so why isn't he paid in 12 days? I see nothing where he won 2 or more votes.
His MN payments seem to have been regular untill 01-09-2015 at which he made a selfpayment of 28,5 Dash,
making his balance 1000 again.
At this point i would seriously think about stopping the server and at least remove the peers.dat & mncache before restarting it,
maybe some clients got him blocked ?
More draconic measures would be to delete everything (except dash.conf & wallet.dat & masternode.conf)
and resync from scratch.
Then keep an eye on the number of votes that masternode is getting afterwards with command :
"$ dash-cli masternode winners 2000 | grep Xb7qiTRzJJewfby9eXGeAcYMN7RNGgPnBw" to see if it gets more votes.
sound suggestions, thanks!
Thanks all for taking notice of my issue and looking into it. I assume this is not the only MN that is having this "luck"? My other nodes have had no issues and now we are passing 13 days with no payment. We are waiting a bit longer and then we will just wipe and restart that server which will end up taking longer than the permitted time and shove it to the back of the list. Might be close to a full month without a payment which .. well, we all know that sucks. =)
It would be nice to find out why this happened so it doesn't happen to many more nodes.
thnx all!
Having approx 500 MN I get to see examples of this and a couple did go to 13 days before being paid, I raised the isue with Holger:
MN 216 & 311 are now 12 days without reward, I assume it's just variance but maybe best to make sure that they're Ok:
XqqkU2z7LjKz2NGMSnoNrq3yrL8Bwc4y1b ENABLED 8 minutes ago 8/19/15 3:14 PM in: 63 out: 62
12 days ago 0.00000
XikUPCjJ6wkpHQu6CKX9gvX5hU3Wyp6NN2 ENABLED 6 minutes ago 8/20/15 12:33 PM in: 62 out: 61
12 days ago 0.00000
XoKfP4uRUYNfpoQhjzAJA9jXsPV1to9WJA ENABLED 13 minutes ago 8/19/15 3:21 PM in: 40 out: 39
9 days ago 0.00000
XuvT2eupfEn5CKYkwBbEjkVbdcYLFixetm ENABLED 11 minutes ago 8/19/15 3:17 PM in: 63 out: 62
7 days ago 0.00000
XkmezdKHMAT9jN96pPMxByQPnARDpK5jFw ENABLED 6 minutes ago 8/19/15 3:12 PM in: 65 out: 64
7 days ago 0.00000
XqXsjYX9EDSNRDjyJdv5u1rbb9r2KLvoH8 ENABLED 9 minutes ago 8/19/15 3:14 PM in: 75 out: 74
7 days ago 0.00000
yeah, these are weird - guessing on variance as well, but i'll forward these to Eugene and Evan to have a look why they have such "bad luck"
I've checked back with Evan - the nodes were simply unlucky and should get paid on next cycle. Evan will likely fix that in the next version (Dash v13).
So the issue is know and being addressed, I'd not re-start if you can wait a little more may be best if like my case, hope that this helps.