Working great moocowmoo! May I perhaps ask for a future feature? When looking for the dash-cli path, could we perhaps make a local setting that is not overwritten after each update? I am running the dashd and dash-cli binaries in a local folder (not in path) rather than in .dash
I was thinking if we had a dashman_local.conf where the paths could be specified. if this file is not present than the dasman tool looks into for the "normal" paths for the binaries. Additionally, when updating dashman or making a new install, the dashman_local.conf is not created/overwritten so the user must make this modification themselves. I am aware that this takes some time to create so if you are too busy or think that this is unnecessary, I will continue to adjust my paths by hand
Glad to hear it!
You can just run dashman from that directory and it'll choose that directory for the install path.
(it searches the current directory first)
For instance if you're keeping dash-cli and dashd in ~/my_dash_folder and have cloned dashman into ~/src, you can do:
cd ~/my_dash_folder
~/src/dashman/dashman [command]
Maybe that'll work for you?
Alternately you can symlink them from the ~/.dash directory into your ~/my_dash_folder like this:
ln -s ~/.dash/dash-cli ~/my_dash_folder
ln -s ~/.dash/dashd ~/my_dash_folder
Personally, I like to keep everything dash in ~/.dash, because (for me) it's "dashs spot", less to think about.
My setup is this:
mkdir ~/bin
ln -s ~/.dash/dash-cli ~/bin
ln -s ~/.dash/dashd ~/bin
echo 'export PATH=~/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.bashrc
With my single addition of ~/bin to PATH (the .bashrc addition), adding things to the search path (run anywhere) is just a matter of symlinking them into ~/bin
The bonus here is ~/bin/dash-cli points to ~/.dash/dash-cli which points to ~/.dash/dash-cli- -- so I always know what version I have running just by looking at the target by doing:
$ readlink -f `which dash-cli`
where PATH is actually finding (running):
$ which dash-cli
It may seem like overkill, but I learned to appreciate version-named executables for maintenance reasons. (I maintain a *lot* of systems)
A simple
ls -l
tells you everything you need to know.