DASH price is now lower than 0.01171874 BTC, the penultimate Darkcoin price in my records (February 19th, 2015) and much lower than the very last recorded price, on March 4th when DRK was at 0.01330801 BTC, about a week before "re-branding." (12.50% lower than 3 months and a week ago)
Full three months and some after the brand change, not a single exchange or a big retailer (that "might accept Dash IF the name was changed...") has accepted it; but the said acceptance had been by far the most important reason for the Foundation Members to push for the change and demise of the coolest brand ever, that of Darkcoin. After briefly getting on the #4 on
https://coinmarketcap.com/#USD DASH is now only on the 7th place.
The more I look at this the more I abhor the most ridiculous brand change in recent history.
Do not get me wrong, I think Self-sustainable Decentralized Governance by Blockchain at
https://dashtalk.org/forums/official-announcements.54/ is an idea of a genius, and all the ongoing developments, including Project Management and Delivery Excellence Initiative, and the upcoming version 12 might tip the scale but I do not see it.
As I already stated here, this is how stupid the people are. And yes, I share the same stupidity but I also know the brand & marketing can make or break you and your project. With the video production we paid for (partially for Evan forked out the needed, over 50% I think) over three months ago still being in, well, production, I dread future marketing moves and I pray to be proven wrong.
Wozzek I've watched your numerous negative comments on the re-branding with considerable interest. There are aspects of what you're saying that I concur with but the overall essence of your reasoning I find to be somewhat lacking in logic and comprehension of how humans think/react/respond to the images and feelings specific words used in brand names conjure.
I agree with you that 'Darkcoin' was a cool name. In the realms of advanced crypto enthusiasts, dark web users (or even just observers), hackers, whackers and criminal jack-asses, Darkcoin (and it's capabilities) is very appealing and offers a whole raft of anon/stay-hidden opportunities that are fundamental. But, like all things of this nature, the other edge of the sword is that these views, and the people that hold them, by default, IMMEDIATELY and without question knocks out the 99.99% of humans that don't identify with any of those things I've written above. The term 'Dark' when attached to web/Internet technology (and we've been over this soooo many times, I'm just a little staggered you can't comprehend the core essence of it), for 99.99% of society, means 'bad', 'criminal', 'underhanded', 'illegal', 'destructive' and 'evil'.
Suggesting that just months after correcting what, for me and many many other people involved in this project was just THE fatal flaw that stopped us from being able to discuss it with almost everyone, there's been no indication of new take up or facilitation by businesses/exchanges now because it's called Dash that previously wouldn't, I think is naive and terribly short sighted.
You can't possibly expect that there will be even measurable take-up that can be directly attributable to Darkcoin now being called Dash! It's way too early within a product name's cycle. Re-branding experts will tell you it takes decades to determine success (or otherwise) of major re-branding initiatives. You can't be serious about expecting to see dramatic evidence after just a few months!
What's been done is that the project's been positioned and prepared for adoption on a scale that simply wouldn't be possible with the name 'Darkcoin'. As digital cash, Dash has all the potential to start being adopted across hundreds of industries and economies BUT with the same key fundamentals around it being 'money' (i.e. fungability, scalability, etc). If we were still 'Darkcoin' we're only ever going to be a very small niche financial tool that appeals to a tiny fraction of a tiny fraction of humanity; those that think the 'dark web' and people involved in 'dark' technologies are cool.
(For me) end of story.