Great image, please everyone bump it every 24 hours or so, taking into account the forum moderation rules.
What do forum moderation rules say about bumping important information to the context of some thread?
I'm quoting
you to answer that the forum rules just says "24h", and makes no mention of
- Relevance to the topic of the thread
- If importance is relevant enough to temporarily override the rule
- If partial quoting is considered eligible
- If multi-level quoting is encompassed
- If mention of the quote is considered subversion of the rule
- If moderation is enacted outside the time frame, is that specific quote exempt from initial condition
- If mirroring of the quote is considered eligible
- If an 180º upside-down screenshot flip of the quote is considered eligible
- If these doubts are considered comments to moderation, thus breaking yet another rule (they're not, just to be clear, just doubts)
- Is rewording of the original quote considered subversion of the rule
- In case of users continually breaking the rules, would the community quoting the rules within the 24h timeframe also be considered breaking the rules.