It kind of makes me sick though. Every scam makes all crypto currencies look bad. I agree with you Tao, the DASH foundation better take heed. They better record and make available minutes to all meetings. This should make us all feel vindicated, but at the same time we're all human, and it should sit as a warning.
I also feel sad because I just watched that video someone posted of Maxwell and Adam Back which was nearly incomprehensible. Somewhat due to poor quality of the video and much due to both interviewees being incredibly monotone and out of touch. The side chain idea has been talked about since I first joined this forum, but what actual work has been done? Sure, these guys are undoubtedly intelligent (though probably aspie) but where is the work ethic? I don't want to see Bitcoin fall by the wayside. They're our flag carrier. But I fear they're failing as well.
I don't know, we here who support DASH are going to have to seriously stay on the up and up. We've been taking incredible abuse, I see more in our future as we climb higher and higher. I fear it's going to get even uglier. Brace yourselves! The pats on the back are super few and far between, we're gonna get more abuse than pats for certain, until DASH is a mainstay, and then there will always be battles to stay on top.
We record all minutes and revisit them at the beginning of each foundation meeting to ensure the prior meeting accounts are acurate.
Very nice to know.
@ Masternode, yes this is good to hear. Are they posted somewhere for review by the public, or at least for foundation members?