Welcome to my ignore list.
Not sure why you where trying to reason with him anyway. He keeps calling this coin a scam yet I still can't figure out who has been scammed. Where are the undelivered upon promises, the tech that doesn't work like it should, the promised returns that never pan out... I see none of that here. Oh, right... in the future the dev team is supposed to dump on our heads when they held all the way up to $15 and continued development as we fell back down to $1.
And for DRK/DASH supposedly having crap anonymity nobody has traced an transaction even though any big Monero investor has an obvious motive to break our system.
Give me the dev team that continues to push out new tech over the one that stoops to the level of crapping in other coins threads.
When it was $15 there were plenty of people dumping. Mostly people that had been holding for some time. They made a fortune.
Let's see. You start with 2 million coins you got for nothing. You hold to $15 and dump say 100K coins to take a little bit (i.e. $1.5M) off the table and hold the rest (i.e. 1.9 million coins) for a bigger (or at least another) pump later. Maybe buy back lower, but probably not.
Sounds like a pretty good gig to me.