Hey quick notice! @darkcoinnews rebranding (Not to Dash)
I will not be covering news about Darkcoin anymore and have thus changed my @darkcoinnews twitter account name/logo/etc. I'll still be checking in here regularly since I'm hooked anyways but I won't help promote Darkcoin actively anymore.
While I was optimistic at first for a rebranding, the way the situation was handled was absolutely horrible. Dash itself is IMO quite a bad choice for the name and I've been vocal about that but the fact that no alternatives were seriously discussed and that the decision was made permanent within a few days was a dictator move instead of a decentralized currency and it made me rethink the effort I put into promoting.
I definitely could have lived with Dash if we came up with a few great alternatives and then put it to a real vote. Instead it went from rumors, to first announcement, to confirmation within a few days. (Don't come at me with "A decision HAD to be taken" bullshit, there was no hurry and a few more weeks wouldn't have changed anything).
I'm keeping all my Darkcoin and I remain always impressed by the development speed and the resulting tech. I'll definitely give some Twitter shout outs to interesting developments but it won't be my main focus anymore. So this notice is really for those of you who want to unfollow me. Let me get this straight... So Evan works full time for 14 months to build the most technologically advanced cryptocurrency on the planet, far surpassing the capabilities of Bitcoin, becoming the number 3 crypto behind Litecoin in the process. Meanwhile, you're so butt hurt about the way the name change process was handled to the extent that you can't be bothered to help anymore? I think Evan has earned the right to make more than one error, even if you could call the name change that. The community had the chance to rally behind a different name. It didn't... it immediately embraced the name (that it had already reached consensus around once before).
So what would you have preferred Evan do? Let the Darkcoin name persist long after it was evident it was holding back the coin? Or would you rather he'd let the uncertainty of the name change debate rage on for weeks? Evan did what leaders do... he did the prudent thing and secured name rights once it was evident the name had consensus. And he did it knowing full well that he couldn't make everyone happy with the decision. So look at the big picture. I'm so very sorry every single thing hasn't been done the way you would have liked. Get over it.
The Dark brand build this coin. It is dishonest sell people Darkcoins only to suddenly take them away and replace them with DASH, which was never disclosed on any roadmap.
Sudden unilateral rebranding is a slap in the face to all those working on Dark projects, like physical coins, videos, dark domain name sites, etc.
Duff bent his community over and had his way with them. Responses to this surprise vary according to the intelligence of the victim.
Hopelessly retarded rubes like Taylor05 demand everyone cheer louder for their glorious cult leader, who can do no wrong.
Dumb ones like anonymousxx1503 complain about the lack of chocolates, flowers, and lube, but still stand by their man.
Smart ones like vertoe said "so long and thanks for all the fish."
Very smart ones realize DarshCoin isn't the "the most technologically advanced cryptocurrency" and started supporting the one that is:
Re: [XMR] Monero Speculation
I used to be a Darkcoin supporter. But I'm done with it since I don't like where it's headed. It's masternode concept is taking liquidity and decentralization out of the picture, and pretty much going against what a "crypto"(Decentralization) currency(Liquidity) is supposed to be. The instamine didn't help either.