So? Now are 2100 MNs and the number is increasing!
You argue to argue
I don't tell, that I invested money and Evan must guarantee return of investments, etc. I tell, that MN payouts have to work properly as any other function. I understand, that working process is complex and nothing can be ideal.
It's simple to undestand, that it's not normal situation and you try to prove contrary.
Could you please read it again. DRK is in the development and since it is in the developemt, MNs payments are not going to work like if it was developed, because it is in the development! Work is in fucking progress! Like you go to unfinished house and complain why the elevator is not working as it was promised, well its not fucking working, because on the second floor electrical ecquipent is being install and needs the power to be fucking off for a few days.. What is wrong with you?
I can't interfere in development process, but I think it's strange situation, that MN enforcement is off several days, but IX testing is in active stage. Maybe MN enforcement (mainnet) is less important, than IX (testnet). Imagine house with previously working elevator and in time people have to go on foot because elevator not working and team work on landscape at the moment.
CODERsp I think this interaction back and forth between you and BiteMyShinyMetalAss has gotten a bit out of hand in a way that you'd probably not intended. I can see from your writing that English is probably not your native language. If we were having this conversation in a bar over a drink, it probably wouldn't have gone quite as feral as it has, but alas, that's the nature of Internet forums where one can't see a person and interact with them via all the other forms of communication when you're physically present; we're relying purely on written words.
I too have had very inconistent payments on my MN over the past few weeks. Basically since that fork happened, it's been a bit messy. Do I wish it was better? Yes, of course. But like people are pointing out, what we have with our lead developer Evan Duffield is something so very special and of such substance that I'm not going to complain because I know that he works very hard and puts in enormously long days that produce much substance. I'm sure he wants the MN payments to be more consistent too, but there's so much to do and (again as others have pointed out) this entire project and the code that's been developed is still in beta. That means there are no guarantees or "SLAs" on the workings of it. It's still being tested/developed/refined. So we have to expect some stuff to not work properly and this payment system is one of them.
I'm sure it will improve but we all just have to have patience.
+1 and I second the motion.
Welcome aboard CODERsp! You say you are here for the long haul, and I believe you. The value of your investment/gamble is assured not only by the depth and breadth of the ongoing development that results in the occasional frustration you are experiencing, but also in the depth and breadth of the commitment of this community. I too suspect that English is not your native language, and for that reason you may not be aware of how caustic (dare I say trolling;-) your initial comments sounded. It is to this community's credit that they did not respond in kind. You can be certain that on the threads of other coins you would have been flamed out of town.
For what it is worth, I am quite jealous of you
. I only wish that I could be in a the position of complaining that my masternode was not getting paid. As it is, I am struggling little by little to get 1000DRK, so I can have my own;
only to see the price rising faster than I can keep up with it.
Oh but wait, that's a good thing right?
Talk about mixed emotions. At this point I am thrilled to be over half-way home.
Like others have said, relax and enjoy the ride, if it is too stressful for you, quick--go sell your DRK, it may make it easier for me to reach my goal!!!
But if you decide to stay... again,