Status: conflicted from last transaction
now i have 1 drk on balance and rest on pending.... its like that all night!
what can i do :O
EDIT: just redownloaded blockchain again and its ok now sorry
There's a known issue with Darksend, where it makes "conflicted" transactions. Whenever this happens, simply restart the wallet with --zapwallettxes and it will correct itself.
how do i do this "start wallet with --zapwallettxes" ?
and this is ok to do with a wallet that just stores DRK yeah ?
and it's ok to do when dark mix has not finished ?
Append it to your shortcut or to the command line so when you launch it, it zaps. It just removes unconfirmed tx's that are stuck at 0 and not broadcast to the network.
so if my "Short target" look's like this :- \darkcoin-qt.exe" -wallet=wallet[WALLET NAME].dat
then I change it to \darkcoin-qt.exe" -wallet=wallet[WALET NAME].dat --zapwallettxes ??