if you got the privatekey, you can determine all the wallets transactions..
with quantum calculations you could evaluate everybodys privatekey instantly, so it obviously won't be anonymous then..
irrespective of that, btc as we know it today would be dead anyway
Actually, from the reading I've done that doesn't appear to be true. They need you to sign the private key at least once to be able to factor it.
It's explained really well here:
Bitcoin and Darkcoin would both work fine in that situation. You would simply store money in a brand new address after every transaction and completely empty out the old ones. It would mean Darkcoin would actually remain anonymous and it would still be completely functional.
Edit: found a better link
as far as i followed discussions, i think that is not an appropriate solution.
here is an article describing the problem http://bitcoinmagazine.com/6021/bitcoin-is-not-quantum-safe-and-how-we-can-fix/
Thanks, this was a really interesting read. Lamport signatures seem to be very promising, I wonder what else we could do with that concept.