***************** Amber Alert *******************
JPY holding on by its fingernails from falling through critical resistance @120.
What does this mean for DRK ?
.....Abenomics desperate to shore up their finances --> print money to buy bonds to borrow money to pay debt from printing money to buy bonds to.....
USD-JPY carry trade is pumping US stocks & bonds since the Japanese picked up from where the fed left off within 24 hours - which was part of the central banks plan all along. As a result of all this:
Dollar is stronger --> forcing commodity prices down including....** oil !! **. Russia gets screwed and there's a run on the Rouble, so start printing Rouble money to buy bonds to pay debt from printing money to.....
China looks on and doesn't like what it sees because the lack of growth in foreign markets (due to excess debt from excess money printing to fill the derivatives collapse hole) is causing its markets to slump. So double whammy for them: [1] - fewer foreign customers due to crap western growth [2] - everyone else is devaluing and stealing their export markets. So they say "F*CK IT !! What's the point in us politely holding back on dumping our US bond holdings...the only reason we were doing it in the first place was to have someone to sell to". "We're just going to call your f*ckers bluff and start dumping our gold on western markets at twice the price and lets see if you clowns don't default on the scramble for deliveries - in fact no need to wait & see cos you've none left as it is - we've got it all".
Then the ECB - having already thrown in the towel on corporate bonds look on in mild satisfaction, finally having been given the cover they so sought after to go for the jugular on French and Mediterranean sovereign debt. "F*CK it !!" "Everyone else is devaluing, we're gonna be screwed if we don't too" says Mr Draghi (in italian) .
And off they go to join the race to the bottom while commodities, metals, oil and the top 10 cryptos pick up the pieces form the ensuing debris.
http://coinmarketcap.com can't get a big enough server to stop crashing from the clamour of refugees trying to find a seat in their overlevered financial storm as the music grinds to a screeching halt.
******** Check number 1 on this list. Who has madly, frantically, panicly been hoovering all known sources of Gold for the last 4 years including mining supply ? What happens to precious metal prices in a bond market meltdown ?
******** Check number 2 on this list. Who might not be in too great shape in the event of a US bond market cave in ? Who might want to help the Fed out with a bit of remotely applied explosive QE funnelled through some trans-pacific carry trade plumbing ?
* Conclusion: Who gives a toss about DRK price right now. Just keep it in the top 10 and preferably the top 5 mined coins and everything will be *ok !
Check my sig for details.