BTC is rising -> DRK goes down because some people cash out to fiat
BTC is falling -> DRK goes down because people are panic selling and cash out to fiat
Crypto is nearly dead. only reason DRK did not die until now is because its a gamechanger in crypto,
This old man goes to sleep only to wake up to Yahoo Finance Message Board-like forum atmosphere. Price this or that, hints of "knowing" what would happen next, charts, bashing and cheering the coin given its price, so all I am looking forward are Bollinger Bands and Fibonacci Retracement Trading to die of Weltschmerz.
I mean, in both Bitcoin and now Darkcoin we have some of the
most exciting developments since the invention of World Wide Web - IMHO Darkcoin being the first real alternative to the Financial Crime Cartel and its total dominance over the world. (did you take a look at the said world lately?) This thingy is so huge in its potential that it would have to be defended with our blood and bodies, if needed, once "they" start to attacking it in order to keep the status quo ("all for us, nothing for you") intact.
Darkcoin, being a toddler, needs all support it could get - we, its enthusiasts, need to spread the word, introduce it to new people (I've done my deed here, and am keep doing it), we need to knock the door of every retailer we know, trying to promote the idea of financial freedom, a concept UNHEARD OFF for majority of the world thus far. But, moreover, we need to help Evan & Co. work and keep creating a miracle. Is this an easy task, "creating a miracle," of a better, parallel world (economy, finances) from what we have now - a total oppression?
Do we realize how distorted our view of this development is?We are privy, even more so,
we have an enormous privilege to be in a virtual garage akin to these few lucky bastards that were with Jobs and Wozniak in the Job's garage, as they were designing the Apple I in the late 1970s, witnessing the birth of something huge. Were they bickering over the price of Apple I? Nope, they were working they freaking asses off.
And we? We can - NOW, even in the DEVELOPMENT STAGE of the Project - make $$ with Masternodes. We can invest and ALREADY profit from it, in this tender, new, infant phase. Do we even realize how enormous this is?
I do not understand exacly all things you are saying, but i read between the lines. I am sure you are also a PM bug. Both markets, crypto and PM are the counterpart of centralbanks and it will become harder to fight against as they are much more powerful than a hand of nerds and bugs. So we have to prepaired to loose money.