I would like to take this week’s piece to address some of Dash’s critics. There have been several hit pieces in major cryptocurrency publications such as Bitcoin Magazine and Bitcoin.com recently (I won’t provide links, you can find them yourself). To them, I’d like to say something that might be surprising: “You’re on to something.” Yes, Dash’s haters have uncovered something pretty huge that has been a secret largely unknown outside of the Dash community.
I noticed the article on Bitcoin Magazine myself yesterday, which was basicly about a review on Dash and its privacy feature (first one of a serie of reviews on top cryptocurrencies) that was inaccurate and even false on several points and where comments were conveniently disabled.
We will most likely see more of those articles, as Dash starts to flex its muscles and fear starts to strike at the heart of Dash direct competitors. The fear that Dash could actually accomplish one day, what it said out to do from the start : to become a decentralized, low cost, mass-adopted
transaction provider with the means to drive adoption all on its own.
Dash may have started out as a privacy-centric cryptocurrency, but Dash has evolved from that and people who have written off Dash are just now starting to realise that, in a typical too little too late fashion.