Япoния бoгaтeйшaя cтpaнa, a Beнecyэлa - бeднeйшaя cтpaнa.
Bмecтo тoгo, чтo бы выпoлнить вce тpeбoвaния peгyлятopoв и дoбитьcя paзpeшeния нa тopгoвлю DASH нa япoнcкиx биpжax, Bы кoopдинaтopы, глyпo вклaдывaeтecь в нищeтy Beнecyэлы.
Идиoтизм и yтoпия!
Japan is the richest country, and Venezuela is the poorest country.
Instead of meeting all the regulators' requirements and obtaining permission to trade DASH on Japanese stock exchanges, you are coordinators who silly invest in the poverty of Venezuela.
Idiocy and utopia!
The problem is not they invest in venezuela.
The problem is the huge ammount of dash spend there, for marketing issues, instead of helping poor people there.
There was a very good effort in venezuela (getfreedash) that was shut down, in favor of all these marketing "efforts".
The initial goal of cryptocurrencies is not to cooperate with the current monetary system.
It is to compete it.
We need the code developers and the community to work hard, in order to circumvent these regulations that are imposed by the old monetary systems, and turn them obsolete.