Since their seem to be some people around here who misunderstand how the Dash Nation moderation team operates and upholds rules, I will explain it in simple terms here:
The values of Dash Nation are respect, dignity, adherence to factual discourse, and optimism. As such, we have simple rules to follow in Dash Nation-moderated forums. The rules can be found through the following link: anyone can plainly see, differences of opinion are not against the rules. People who thrive on grandstanding and employing baseless narratives to further their views will not be tolerated (speculation as fact). As will not personal attacks, and profanity. These have no place in an environment that aims to welcome newcomers.
If someone consistently runs afoul of these rules, they will be banned. Not because of the moderation team, but because of their own chosen actions.
Hope this clarifies things for the lurkers of this thread. I’m supported by the masternode network in this way of thinking, and the rules will not be changing. This is the last statement I will make here regarding this issue.
Cheers, Tao.
You are a liar.
Your first lie is falsely claiming you don't tolerate "employing baseless narratives to further...views" when in fact every single proposal owner needs to make such speculative claims to justify being funded by the Treasury.
You allow baseless Cheerleader and Shill narratives because they are pro-Inner Circle but suddenly discover the rules when Critics hurt your feelings with anti-cheerleader and anti-shill narratives.
EG, when and KuvaCash make rosy best-case predictions of how wonderful their projects are going to be for Dash, you delete criticism of that speculation being presented as fact. But you won't allow even the plain text of the "Demote Ryan Taylor" proposal to be posted, much less discussed. Your hypocrisy is crystal clear and it stinks to high heaven. Only the low-information noobs Dash targets with snake oil marketing would miss your blatant double-standard.
Your second lie is the claim that you've created an "environment that aims to welcome newcomers."
You've done nothing of the sort, as evidenced by the thread you deleted calling out Basilpop for still being toxic and ruining the r/dashpay sub (indicating you failed your mission to put down that dog suffering from rabies).
Source: recently as a couple of days ago, Basilpop was still wearing his mod hat while viciously attacking supporters and owners of proposals which dared to compete with his precious DACH Embassy.
Why are these kinds of things still happening MONTHS after you started getting paid to regulate Basilpop's toxicity? I warned you in plain English that your wrist-slap and time-out approach wouldn't work so you don't have a 'but but I didn't know' excuse. It's especially galling that you take a heavy-handed approach to everyone else, to the point where you'll rationalize deleting (without warning) long, carefully written posts for a single curse word or unlabeled non-cheerleader opinion.
If you had the guts to take on Basilpop back when you were supposed to Sven the MNO wouldn't have wasted his time writing the post you nuked for being insufficiently Dashy (IE not clapping louder for your failure to moderate fairly).
It is not crazy or even unreasonable to ask you allow posting and discussion of important Proposals like the 'Demote Ryan Taylor' one. It has >100 responses on DashCentral, so you are obviously trying to keep discussion limited to that forum, where it is hard to get an account and the terrible format makes meaningful discourse difficult.
It is not crazy or even unreasonable to ask for full disclosure of the relationship between DACH Embassy and Macrochip/Basilpop, given he is still listed as a key executive in an active proposal and is attacking/slandering many other competing proposals (Documentary, Kuva, etc). You are using 'zomg harassment' as a cheap and dirty way to shield him from well-deserved questioning, criticism, and accountability.
Nobody forced DACH Embassy to boast in their proposal about their relationship with him. Nobody forced Macrochip/Basilpop to attack competing proposals and make r/dashpay into his own sick torture chamber. But you stood by and watched those things happen despite being paid by the MNOs to stop it. And now you want to pout and stamp your feet to express strong feelings about how you're done with the topic? LOL, you don't get to control the narrative here, buddy. That's my job and you can't have it.