Oh no, why o why.
1. massive Instamine not corrected with a legitimate relaunch
2. Instamine made worse by emission reduction, supporting suspicion it was done intentionally for benefit of the Dash Inner Circle
3. Instamine made worse by Masternode compounding, confirming suspicion it was done intentionally for benefit of the Dash Inner Circle
4. pivots to every new shiny hype fad (privacy, staking, smart contracts, coffees-on-blockchain Paypal 2.0 payments rail) but never delivers and simply moves goalposts
5. abandoned by most of too-rich-to-care early devs and community, IE Evan Duffield, vertoe, and Amanda B Johnson
6. obviously centralized Core Group Inc consumes >70% of Treasury budget and is now assumed to be too big to fail, creating moral hazard and supporting scope creep, red tape, mission creep, etc. failure modes
7. immature and sleazy Pollyanna cheerleader community never owns up to funding extremely expensive mistakes/scams/boondoggles (Shrem debit, BitCart, Alt36, KuvaCash, FanDual, Wachsman PR, Evolution v.1, Evolution v.2, and strip club "networking events")
8. snake oil marketing using "technical analysis" to dump bags of instamined coins on clueless noobs right before the price crashes to 18 month lows and market cap tanks from #3 to #15
9. endless shitty excuses and deflection, IE bragging about market cap when high on the list but saying it doesn't matter when much lower and inventing FairCoinValue so DashHoles can sniff their own farts uninterrupted by actual reality of steadily falling price and market share
11. bumbling Dash Clown Corp devs and management are so monumentally incompetent they can't even give an accurate ETA for an ETA for a roadmap update, much less refresh the outdated Dash.org or produce something like CardanoRoadmap.com
12. anyone who tries to bring up (much less address or ameliorate) the above issues is called a troll, personally attacked, and banned from Dash echo chambers, in the thuggish manner of Scientology cult enforcers
And now we see "but ETC is on Coinbase so IT'S NOT FAIR" to wave away valid concerns about how Dash, with its supposedly mighty 11,999,234,007.5 ATH masternodes, supposedly game-changing Treasury, and supposedly effective distributed governance by blockchain can fall below a project like Ethereum Classic, which has none of those purported advantages.
Why did Coinbase list ETC and not Dash? Because Reasons 1-12. Dash is an instamined scamcoin used mostly to pump up an illegal HYIP and will eventually fail just like Bitconnect, its little Ponzi sister.