put an unofficial feature request for BTC<>DRK running through the Master Nodes, which, now I find this service ^^, I can tell everyone about.
It's not guaranteed to be worked on, but I think that because of this service being available for LTC, and soon other alts, it will be worth keeping track of this service and pushing a little harder for something similar.
Being able to move from BTC>DRK>BTC for a very small fee to MNs would be a killer application (why would you need DarkWallet?), especially if we could effectively have wallets acting as BTC and DRK mini-exchanges / liquidity, and the MNs as the automatic escrow.
I was thinking about BTC-> DRK->BTC some time ago, and there seems to be a logic problem
At least I think so...
If you think about the transfer details:
1. Have pseudonymous BTC (local wallet)
2. Buy drk from btc
3. anonymize drk
4. buy btc from drk
5. have btc (local wallet)
If you want to do this without exchanges, he would just get his btc back he bought drk with in step 2.
So only solution I can think of is:
1. have pseudonymous btc
2. buy drk with btc on exchange
3. transfer drk to local wallet
4. anonymize drk
5. send drk to exchange and buy btc
but even in this case, exchange could probably get the original btc address from step 1 by comparing send drk amounts from step 3 and 5. So actually you have to solve all the problems evan solved with darksend if you want to mix drk with btc
I think this works through the master node network if there are distributed wallets that are happy to provide liquidity to transactions.
Say you had 10 BTC. You could allocate 2 BTC to be drawn down by the Master Nodes if there is an order that requires processing.
If 1,000 people allocated 2 BTC for this, you would have a pretty decent decentralised exchange.
Its got lots of security and trust issues that would need to be worked out, but it would rock.
Sounds like IOUs, that would be it.
Like Ripple without Ripple.
The big problems of all alts is the cheapness, no liquidity.
How to bring it to market, without throwing exorbitant amounts at the wrong people?
The fuck, Darkcoin. Lets say you want to transfer 10 mil. US $ with Darksend, good idea.
But what happens? You're out there buying DRK for 10 mil ...?
You'll drive the price, exorbitant, unreal, you'll have all the vultures on your back.
Then you Darksend to liquidate at the other end.
You liquidate DRK for 10 mil $ and the price will collapse.
Thats total shit, how you wanna solve this...?
You can't. How you wanna distribute for extended liquidity without distortion?
How you want to make your financial instrument usable?
Impossible in your model, check mate. It can't work like this.
You're out for shit and you know it.
All your shit coins are out for shit, if you trade on your intrinsic value against shit.
You need to make your method valuable, not your bloody fucking shitcoin...