Imagine a woman goes to a website to discreetly buy a pregnancy test...
It’s sometimes easy to forget that many things about crypto are frequently not well understood by the general public. It needn’t matter when buying alpaca socks, but when it's a transaction where privacy matters the facts should be made clear. It’s well known that many users don’t understand that they’re broadcasting their financial activities to the world. By assuming that customers will just automatically know this, businesses are negligently exposing customers and clients to privacy risks.
Any business selling a product or service where privacy may be important, and accepting non-private crypto as payment, has an ethical obligation to clearly explain the implications of this for their customers' privacy.
Do you agree, and if so, what would be the best way of getting the message across?
We would need to handle it carefully. Here’s what we don’t want to do:
- We don’t want hurt crypto or give people another reason to bash it. Non-private crypto is perfectly fine as long the businesses show due diligence in protecting customer privacy by ensuring they are being made aware of the implications. But at the same time, it’s good and right to highlight legitimate concerns and risks that customers & businesses face when using non-private cryptos. It’s about making sure customers are rightly informed of the issues and that alternatives exist.
- We don’t want to bring the law into it, except perhaps as a counterargument to FUD about the legal status of private crypto. Yes, business that ask customers to pay in non-private crypto without explaining the implications to clients/customers when there's a reasonable expectation of privacy may be recklessly exposing themselves to legal implications in some jurisdictions. And not even bad laws either, valuable laws that protect the privacy of ordinary citizens. But business owners with intelligence will figure that out themselves, we don’t need to play that card. It should be about honest, well informed trade between free citizens. It's ironic though how private cryptos have been repeatedly beaten over the head with allegations of illegality and nefariousness by some supporters of non-private cryptos, when in truth it's the other way around. is excellent TsuyokuNaritai! This is precisely what we need more of. Your guidelines are just what is needed if DRK is to gain mainstream acceptance--totally positive, non-combative, informative and G-rated. Any one with a few technical skills can draw the eye with prurient copy, but it takes a real artist to develop buzz, interest, and anticipation. T & A will get the kids leering, but it is their parent's wallets that will determine whether DRK survives as the shunned tool of the disreputable, or the shinning knight who defends the privacy of ordinary citizens, and makes possible assistance to those suffering under totalitarian regimes. As has been oft stated; aficionados of gambling and porn will adopt DRK without our help, but if we encourage that market for the sake of rapid growth, we will offend and isolate the mainstream.
I certainly do not swim in the main stream, but I have a lot of experience sitting on its banks and watching the flow. The big fish (we want to catch) enjoy sex and pretty girls as much as the smaller ones, but have learned that power, freedom, and enjoyment are the rewards for service, discipline, and discretion. We would all do well to learn that lesson, no matter what stream we swim in.
Dazbarlby, your "Conversation of Jane & Bob," is masterful; easy to follow, brief and to the point. The "to be continued..." is wonderful, creating suspense and expectation. Various versions need to be posted in as many venues as possible. Think comics (mentioned already), live acted on youtube, animated, etc. The series should be branded... something along the lines of "Darkcoin Theater Theater presents: A conversation with Jane and Bob." "Darkcoin Theater presents: Jane and Bob at the Bank." "Darkcoin Theater presents: Jane and Bob go shopping." "Darkcoin Theater presents: Jane and Bob shop for fun things to do together." Which of course segues into TsuyokuNaritai's idea above with "Darkcoin Theater presents: Jane and Bob get a pregnancy test." It seems I remember seeing we have a Classical composer in residence around here. He might be convinced to do the soundtrack. :-)
I'm starting to see a lot of possibility here, but need to run. I will try to post more specifically on DarkcoinTalk, when I get a chance.
In an effort to catch Dark Markets, such as the original Silk Road, a large govenrment/media sponsored campaign aimed at saying BitCoin was Anonymous was launched. We all know it isn't, but the point was to create an uproar while telling all the idiots that it was anon when it's not, so that they would get caught. It was a two-pronged attack. You first have to undo all that FUD... Most people who ahve heard of Bitcoin still think it's anonoymous when nothing could be farther from the truth... Your Bank Account is more private than BitCoin. A lot more private.
the only way people like this ever "learn" anything, is when the TV shoves propaganda and lies in their face. Then they "know" that.
Just continue to be awesome and those who are worth a shit will notice.