If instant transactions work, after open sourcing, I bet that within 90 days of open sourcing, overstock.com will allow DRK as a method of payment.
Thats a big bet - although if instant transactions work - the entire crypto community will be turned on its head.
Would bitcoin adopt DRK technology just to keep afloat which in turn shows its inferior.
Bitcoin struggles with large concurrent transaction volume let alone waiting hours for confirmations. I cant stand watching my transactions to exchanges when the blocks are sometimes SO far apart.
I'm pretty sure I know how Evan has bypassed the need for lengthy confirmations, at least in principle, and Bitcoin won't be doing it any time soon.
(Nor will any other cryptocurrency without Masternodes...)
Alirhgt I'll bite: The 1000 darks of each Masternodes will serve as buffers to allow for instant transactions, while the MN will receive its coins back in normal time (Thus, instant transactions will be limited to a certain amount within a certain time; random example: max 700 darks each 20min)
EDIT: For it to be instant, the 1K darks of each Masternodes are pre-split by amounts of 50 or 100 let's say, with each a different tx (I think the name is tx), and people receive the private keys of these addresses when they want instant transactions.
Also, do you think Evan will make instant transactions for a fee? Or free?