What has reddit and other forums got to do with bitcointalk ?
Dash Masternode owners voted to pay TaoOfSatoshi to regulate the toxic, out-of-control subreddit mod Basilpop.
Details are here:
https://www.dashcentral.org/p/dn-discord-renewal-06-11. Please read up on this and inform yourself before trying to shut down discussion.
If you bothered to read the text of my post it would be obvious we are discussing Tao's
brave yet doomed efforts to apply his new rules equally to mods and users alike.
Thank you for prompting me to check DashCentral for the latest updates from Tao.
I'm tickled pink to see him write
"Project update: The process of unifying the other two forums to Dash Nation rules is going well.
There are some who are not happy due to the rules changing and not allowing them to do things they may have gotten used to getting away with, but for the most part the transition has been smooth."
That means Basilpop, as I predicted he would, threw many tantrums and screamed like a little bitch when firmly told he had to behave and stop nullifying millions of dollars worth of Dash marketing with his thuggish, bullying approach to moderation.
The other link to bitcointalk is that Tao is a Legend here, and even earned the nickname TaoOfSpamtoshi back before he passed DashSpamForce duties on to NiburuHybrid and solowhizkid.
I've analysed the posting style of 'demo15'.
- Highlights certain key parts in large font using different colour.
- Turns up daily to repost the same post again trying to bump it up to the top of the thread
- Quick to respond to any disagreement
- Tries to hold the moral highground while actually trolling.
=Now lets look at 'iCEBREAKER'
- Highlights certain key parts in large font using different colour.
- Turns up daily to repost the same post again trying to bump it up to the top of the thread
- Quick to respond to any disagreement
- Tries to hold the moral highground while actually trolling.
This is pure paranoid idiocy. Demo can barely write English, while exceedingly few individuals in the entire world could possibly emulate my bombastic style and raconteur's verve.
OTOH, I'm not anywhere as skilled as Demo with math and programming. He's made great contributions to Dash, but the Dash Cargo Cult hates him because he is (yes, exactly like me) fiercely independent and implacably hostile to the DashHole community requirement of drinking at least 1.5 liters of Duffield-flavored Kool-Aid per day.
Here is something the polite-but-dim Dash 'reservation Indians' should have thought to make for themselves long ago but failed to, so Demo made it for them.
Which masternodes voted and what exactly voted on various proposals.
https://www.dash.org/forum/threads/which-masternodes-voted-and-what-exactly-voted-on-various-proposals.18172/"In this thread I will post the IP addresses of the masternodes and what they voted on various proposals.
IP's are public on dashninja already, but we dont know what exactly each IP voted in various proposals. This information is not aggregated.
By Keeping this kind of statistics, we can create a voting profile for each masternode.
The main reason YOU HAVE TO keep statisics in order to analyze the voting behavior of every masternode IP, is that in every superblock (every month) the votes are designed to be deleted, in order for the community to lost the traces of the voting behavior of the masternodes. Thats why in the above statistics, you may noticed that many proposal files are empty of votes.
So everybody, run the script and keep the statistcs, in order to reveal the MNOs behavior (and the spies)."