You can not censor the networks; it's impossible. It would be better to have all traffic going through the MN's encrypted with no logging whatsoever by anyone. So even if someone is visiting a site/service that is untasteful, the MN operator would have no idea that it was used as such and also have plausible deniability of any connections outgoing from their exit node.
@Rando censor porn? You must be David Cameron. That's a slippery slope. First porn, then "terrorists", finally anything the state doesn't agree with. Terrible idea mate.
Hi Propulsion,
''you must be David Cameron'' That really got me laughing hahaha, thanks I needed that, its been a challenging morning and I'm really interested with what is happening in Scotland too
I promise I understand what you are saying even if I don't necessarily fully agree that deciding a specific vessel is not for a certain purpose is censure. It will be open source right? So what is to stop people from creating the same thing for pornography? And to have a few copies of that too... This could be a distinguishing feature to create a moat (In the Warren Buffett sense) A perceptual moat and also a physical moat of certitude, if you connect through this you kids can no longer be exposed to pornography while utilizing the web system that supports the information used for daily business, such as goods and payments
Think about a kid who looks up a toy online and gets directed to a sex toy with sexual popups or something like this, all of a sudden this would be avoided and this could be used as a selling point too.
How are they censured? I would argue that such an idea wouldn't be about censure, its about organization of society which is still necessary in a decentralized society, you are most likely very conscious of this working on Darkcoin. Eventually people will connect to whichever Internet they want to depending on what they want to do. I could be wrong, but what am I wrong about? I believe there is so much potential in having Darkcoin become the world's currency but I also believe that there is a responsibility to do it right too, a responsibility to step up and say you know what, this isn't only about money, its about sustainability, we decided that we would do what was necessary to gain the people's trust and maintain it. We are dedicated to sustainable trust and cooperation between the people of the world.
The governments have expressed their concerns so we will address those concerns, we are open to compromise as long as the fundamentals of freedom we believe in stay true. We understand that the government currently have a large say in these things and until things change for the better we are willing to compromise by defining the parameters of our net so that the beneficial changes that this technology can bring to the world are slowly introduced and spread to the people of the world in the most smooth and effective way possible while ensuring a strict standard for ensuring that peoples trust is maintained.... We understand this could seem like a favouritism towards other kinds of industries, however we are not making a judgment on the specifics of any businesses, we are just be conscious of the best way to proceed with such novel ideas in a manner that is transparent and respected by the population and taking into account the realities on the field.
Its a logical opinion Propulsion, its up to you guys...