The SafetyNet nodes wouldn't be able to see content. SafetyNet could make it known the content it blocks from the off. No need to comb the content.
How can you determine what to filter if you can't see it? Everything on MasterNet should be computationally unfeasable to snoop, or the whole thing's pointless.
why not make the new internet pornography content free from the very beginning?
Because you can't. And if you can, the system is worthless.
I know censorship is terrible. I'm just thinking since pornography already has its place it would not be censured only channeled to a specific spot, the old internet. If porn was relegated to the old internet there would be no reason to have it on the new one because if people were really concerned about hiding what porno they watch they can buy a dvd or go through the original Tor on the old internet if they want to. This way no one can see what they are doing and if they are concerned about compromising their IP adresse with relation to pornography irrelevant of content they are surely into something wrong. (maybe politics
) and what is the government going to do or say, they are watching some kind of porn? This would silence any claims of relation between anonymity on the web and child pornography once and for all. We need to eventually work to take that stick away from them might as well do it now.
This is just gibberish. Porn exists, it's big business, why would I as a MN owner want to turn away revenue?
If you don't like porn, avoid it, what other people do is none of your business - you know, the whole fucking point of Darkcoin?
If the user could filter content, that's fine, but we can't do it for them.
What if it was voted on by the users of the system through a voting system built directly into the client?
And to enforce the removal of an infraction, the removal must be proposed by a system user and also collectively voted on, if the vote chooses to remove it it should be automatically removed and the user who posted it should have a suspension of access for a period of time depending on prior suspension, this would stop any fake copyright similar issues from appearing too like has been happening on youtube.
What part of "what other people do is none of your business as long as it isn't harming you in any way" is not clear to you? Also, see my previous comments about it being technically impossible anyway.
Hi thelonecrouton,
I understand what you are saying. Some different perspectives here and that's awesome! By the way I'm a fan of your multisig efforts, thank you! I'll try to answer you best I can:
How can you determine what to filter if you can't see it? Everything on MasterNet should be computationally unfeasable to snoop, or the whole thing's pointless. ---- Well if information is going to be shared it needs to be visible, its the access to it which will be safe right? What I'm mainly understanding right now is that whoever would use the safenet would have their personal data protected and also not be tracked online. Like Tor but better. People will see what is one it, but an individual's personal activity will be protected, basically a guarantee of an individuals rights of freedom. So I don't understand fully your comment ''or the whole thing is pointless''.
Because you can't. And if you can, the system is worthless. ----- why? Here also, is the point supposed to be porn? So if it addresses all security and privacy issues and doesn't do porn its useless?
This is just gibberish. Porn exists, it's big business, why would I as a MN owner want to turn away revenue? ---- Here I have another question, is there more money in pornography or in all the other sectors of the world combined?
If you don't like porn, avoid it, what other people do is none of your business - you know, the whole fucking point of Darkcoin? ---- I know what you are saying here too... However, ask yourself what are the two main things governemnets say about anonymity online? They say it helps hide terrorists and criminals like pedophiles. If we eliminate the pedophile angle their terrorist angle will be the only one left and it will be easier for us to win on one front than two. For the terrorism thing, I guess we will have to work on a world where people no longer want to do such things because their is no reason to. We can also point out how cash is no different in that case too....
well the pedophiles hurt the children thats the point there (the governments too), and it doesn't hurt anyone to not have regular porno on something that doesn't exist yet if they can already find it somewhere else and if that thing isn't meant for that... As for the technically impossible thats not my specialty, I'm just throwing some ideas out there for the community... I'm surprised you think pornography has such an important place in a safenet. Good discussion on these challenging ideas...
Good grief r-ando the naivety you're demonstrating here is astounding. You're talking a language like pornography is a black and white concept that's as clearly identified as the difference between animal, mineral and vegetable. Before you even start thinking about the "Darktor" as a place that would be "free of pornography", hence would potentially avoid paedophiles wanting to use it you would have to enter the enormously complex sociological debate "What is pornography?"
I am as unenthused by the world's pornography epidemic as most thinking people are, but I also know that the very second you start making moral judgements on behalf of other people you have entered the realm of censorship and big-brother monitoring, THE VERY ESSENCE OF WHAT THIS IS ALL ABOUT AVOIDING!
The "Darktor" is about complete and absolute privacy without some central authority deciding what is and isn't good for us. Your judgement around "pornography" and it being "negative" has absolutely no place within what's trying to be achieved here.
If what you're stating would come to pass, who decides what's pornography? Are you going to put forward a complex categorisation process to determine what is and what isn't pornography? I think you're naive in the extreme and this is just a silly notion.
You're talking a language like pornography is a black and white concept that's as clearly identified as the difference between animal, mineral and vegetable ---- No actually its not, I suggest you read again. I am making no judgement for or against pornography in what I say (Yes I am against child pornography deal with it). And neither do I attempt to conceptualize or define pornography, what I am saying is that porn is not what should be promoted or protected the most right now much less used to establish the fundamentals of a new internet and its interesting that you would want to limit this boundless innovation and its potential for evolution and change by limiting it to 1: a ''better'' financial move, 2 risking to taint it with the the association to pornography as a primary reference? Everyone has opinions I guess... I'm not saying we should judge anything, just maybe avoid the porn issue and risk or association on a primary level with porn and on a secondary level with child porn claims...avoid it altogether altogether by not having any in my opinion... it already has its place today and the old internet will need a use once everyone uses the safenet for their everyday transactions and business.
Your judgement around "pornography" and it being "negative" has absolutely no place within what's trying to be achieved here------- Once again, I haven't judged pornography, although yes I am personally against child pornography.
If what you're stating would come to pass, who decides what's pornography? Are you going to put forward a complex categorisation process to determine what is and what isn't pornography? I think you're naive in the extreme and this is just a silly notion.---------------We don't decide, just avoid it altogether? The point isn't to become police lets provide for education, safety and wealth for the whole world so there is no longer a need to police. (maybe occasionally
)If you take away the child porn claim possibility, you basically take away half the governments argument for spying, lobbying, instating laws against you... and google snooping with gmail! Plus you ensure access to a bigger market, the rest of the world.
We still really like the delivery drones
A voting system for taking down content could be established and a process for creating a vote on a perceived issue also.... Vote for, against, no vote, need more time please click here for information, how is this complex? Create no more than 1 voting issue per x amount of time... Option to turn off voting, option to select area of interest of participation of votes in the case where voting is based on world issues or concerns... etc. and votes could be redone at will too every so often to see if people think differently about different issues over time and want to implement changes... maybe around taxes?