Help please...what does "not capable masternode" error code mean? Following WeirdGod tutorial to the letter but this pops up when trying to start the masternode from the console. My son who has been the one who is trying to set this up for us has said when he searches forums for "not capable masternode" issues it doesn't help him troubleshoot cause he's not sure what it actually means. Sorry if this sounds son is technical person...did my best to explain problem. Thanks
"not capable masternode"
"IS there no specific error that throws this code? " Is the question my son just emailed me from work to ask you guys...
Use the same wallet verison on local and remote server 10.12.32
Very often we have newest 10.12.32 version and on local we use 9.12.32
this will not help you and you`ll get this error...
Let me know if helped
For me the "Not capable masternode" is because it didn't find the 1000 DRK...
It's not complicated but must follow this summup/check list : (local=where you'll own your 1000 drk, remote=the linux server that will run your darkcoind as MN, before
ALWAYS BACKUP you WALLET.DAT if you got one, on one of the two machines (local and remote)
1-launch new local wallet (without wallet.dat to start with new wallet), generate privkey and adress 0
2-install darkcoind on remote put in its conf file the line with privkey generated in 1, and launch it (wait that it download all the blockchain ~10/15 min or less)
3-send 1K in one shot to address 0
4-re-launch local wallet with 2 things in conf file : privkey in 1 and the IP of the remote. darkcoind-qt.exe -conf="YourLocalConfFile"
5-wait that the 1000 drk got 6 configmation
6-on local "masternode start"
Check with your son that he didn't forget one point.