I'm moving my miner over to linux. All is good except one odd thing...
When I run the new sgminer 4.2.2, it runs with my voltage at 0.875, engine at 300mhz & memory at 300mhz
Ive got a sgminer.conf in the same directory as sgminer with the correct settings: V=1.110 Engine= 1160 & memory=1498
even when I manually change these settings in sgminer they dont change.
I'm getting 100 hardware errors per second & I'm worried i'm gonna destroy the card like this....
I'm stumped, does anyone have any ideas/tips to troubleshoot this ?
Ubuntu 14.04
AMD stable drivers 14.4
sgminer 4.2.2
ASUS 270x
Use ubuntu 12.04, 14.6 beta drivers( install through gui), latest sgminer v5.
I use r9 280x's and works a treat. Don't bother with Ubuntu 14.04 - spent over a day trying to troubleshoot. xubuntu 12.04 I was up and running in under an hour.
*edit if you want to keep trying that sounds like the kernel isn't loaded - shouldn't be getting hw errors!*
try this build: git clone https://github.com/sgminer-dev/sgminer.git && cd sgminer && git checkout v5_0
build instructions:
git submodule init
git submodule update
autoreconf -i
CFLAGS="-O2 -Wall -march=native" ./configure
v5 let's you specify the kernel when you add a pool. For X11 use darkcoin-mod