And any Idea why this happened
Check darkcoind is still running on your server, and check the 1000DRK are still where they should be.
edit: have you recently 'withdrawn' some MN earnings? There's a way to do this, and a way not to... in case it helps anyone else, the easiest way is to load up the MN wallet in the qt client, Settings > Options > Display tab > tick Display coin control features then under the Send tab click the Inputs button in the Coin Control Features box, expand the MN wallet address thingy and you can then tick the inputs you'd like to spend, and leave the 1000DRK lump sum alone.
My 1000drks are intact and when I do "./darkcoind getinfo" then the latest block shows up ... Is there some other command I should try ,
I did "./darkcoind start" but just received a error message code: -32601, "message" : "Method not found"
(maybe cuz its already running? I dont know)
So darkcoind is already running. What does ./darkcoind masternode list | grep 'your.MN.ip.address' give you?