any info, link or data on that?
Common sense... I also did not document and link to authority that most people wipe their asses with toilet paper.
only 640GH/s on LTC now, and thats scrypt hash rate... will be much lower if converted to X11 hash rate...'m sure there are more video cards than that in the world...
The root point being, there's enough hashpower out there to go waaayyy past 50% if they all showed up at once... waffle did it with a fraction... waffle and LTC != universe.
the way I see it, LTC + VTC + DRK + URO + CRYPT = about most of the GPU hashing power out there... because nobody hashing BTC with GPU anymore.
so, 10-20% of world's GPU is already on DRK...
So that means, best case, 80% could land here...
USB key x11 ASICs can't happen soon enough, IMNSHO.
Why do you wish low power ASIC on DRK or X11? that will only reduce the cost of mining and profit the ASIC equipment makers, and what am I gonna to do with my GPU farm?
I don't care about money hosers, I care about security of the coin.
DIFF is way too high for it to have the same impact on DRK as it has on other coins.
They can be made much cheaper and drastically more energy efficient.
If every DRK supporter plugged in a 5MH/s USB key and forgot about it, the DRK network would be stronger than BTC's.
Mining for profit is almost dead. The PoSers think they have a solution. They do not.
Hybrid work proof is the future. PoW/PoService hybrids, to be exact. DRK is the one.
Mining at zero cost with a $25 USB key that uses no measurable power and blows your mining rigs out of the water is the future of supporting the network.
It's going to happen anyway. Being a money hoser that's mad his money hose is no good anymore isn't going to stop evolution.
DIFF too high for the current thinking on ASICs. Giant box, huge power bill, crazy diff...
Micro ASICs are the only thing that will make sense. The market will find the vacuum and fill it no matter how many GPU miner tears there are.
DRK will then have a way more powerful and way more distributed wad of hashpower. It will cost next to nothing and it won't be worth mining any other way for any other reason.
Conventional huge-box huge-power ASICs may mine other coins, but they'll look like a fool on DRK, while also being no threat to the massive distributed hashpower of micro ASICs.
They'll be cheap enough that switching algo, which is already crypto-suicide, won't make sense and will lack motivation.
My crystal ball is better than yours. I just suck are Ouija boards.
There are tons of casual miners who do so only when it requires no real investment. Micro ASICs are no real investment. Also, no real payout. They might pay for themselves at the lower price point when the ASIC MFRs are forced to keep their margins low. Which is why it'll be a long time from now before it even happens...