We need less nicey-nice and more pimp hand...
It's not at all about the price. It's about progress. Bad Actors are stonewalling development. Price is just a proxy of that. I want the value up, yeah. I hold a shitload of DRK. But that's secondary to making it function as promised for so many months now.
Bitch slap these turd burglars. They've had way more than enough notice. Nope. I don't have a masternode. I just want to see progress. It's never, ever, ever a good idea to let the bad guys decide your progress because you'll end up with none.
You don't just give the bad guy whatever he wants, you shoot the fucker in the face.
While I appreciate your colorful use of imagery...the "pimp hand' approach would take a similar amount of time to implement as would the actual fix.
To put it another way, it doesn't make sense to run to the bedroom for a handgun when the appropriate tool for the job is the shotgun by the front door.
But isn't enforcement already there? You make my point for me... If enforcement is already in RC3, why is it no being switched on?
Am I to infer that a different method of vote amalgamation is being implemented that fundamentally changes the protocol, thus pushing them out by new default operation instead of deliberate pimp hand? Rendering the RC3 enforcement obsolete, thus not bothering to use it? RC4 will do it by virtue of new magic stuff?
Essentially, "Blocks are being done a new way in RC4, you better damn well update." And MN payments are just part of that, so why pimp hand when you can have a mo betta excuse for forcing an update that looks less mean to people who care about sugar-coated bullshit, but really does the same damn thing?
No need to infer
. He explains as much
Though I'm not sure magic is involved anywhere.
Lols, I'm just trying to dumb it down, cuz you know damn well 5000 people are going to read it and say they don't have an answer, just like has happened hundreds of times in the past several thousand pages... Then a supporter ends up looking like a troll asking a stupid question that clearly has already been answered... I figured I would ask the stupid question because you at least know I'm not actually stupid enough to not already know and maybe take the damn hint...
New way of hashing these metrics together == they'll be pushed out anyway in RC4, so why bother utilizing the enforcement already in hand... How hard is that?
A fair part of that announcement thread is about how much better comms will be, well, uh... Isn't this THE thing on everyone's minds right now?
I don't ask you to like me. In fact, I don't want you to like me. I'm just staying on point and you'd prefer I not... That's not a good sign.
hey camosoul. im sorry to ask.. whats all the hoopla about? and i see peeps are all up in arms? tried to follow the link in status update but doen't work. thanks for the help.
Peeps got their panties in a twist that I wanted a straight answer about why the enforcement option in RC3 is being ignored. You can figure it out if you read a few announcements, but the self-declared "non technical" people are just going to clog up the thread with hundreds of more posts about how confused and upset they are... I wanted to nip it in the bud and that makes me a bad guy. It is the tip-top question that inquiring minds want an answer to, and you still have to piece it together... But, some people perpetually wear their dicks on their sleeves and gotta pick a fight...
The oddball certificate problems are still everywhere... I can't get there on chrome on my android. Purge everything, still fail... But firefox on android works... I don't bother fixing such things. Linking to a forums that so many people can't view, even if it's their own fault, is not getting the info out... And when it doesn't work, that makes people run away... I want the info here, in an easy-to-understand format... Bah, I'm wasting my time.
Neuro-typical attitude has penetrated the dev team... Disappointing, but it shouldn't be a big enough deal to hurt DRK. I'm going to refocus my efforts on my own things instead of here. It's pointless. Too much human trash just looking for an excuse to pounce.
Camo, give eltito a chance to settle in, and figure out this mess of information versioning mismatch, the last 2 forks tries has done alot of stuff that need to be fixed, and that is what the dev team is focused on.
The dev team is working on getting things ready for RC4, and no strict timetable can be given, since that will only end in rushed development, which might lead to new bugs.
regarding the enforcement switch being turned on or not, not going to happen in with RC3. Period. No discussion.
the reasoning: marked cap is at 35,421,148 USD, which means alot of ppl have alot of cash in darkcoin, its not just a playground...