It's not at all about the price. It's about progress. Bad Actors are stonewalling development. Price is just a proxy of that. I want the value up, yeah. I hold a shitload of DRK. But that's secondary to making it function as promised for so many months now.
Bitch slap these turd burglars. They've had way more than enough notice. Nope. I don't have a masternode. I just want to see progress. It's never, ever, ever a good idea to let the bad guys decide your progress because you'll end up with none.
You don't just give the bad guy whatever he wants, you shoot the fucker in the face. There is no "moral high ground" in letting the bad guys win. Ethical arguments fail on this logic. Letting them get away with it only encourages them to do it again, and again, and again...
I know your intentions are goodt for DRK, but you only think with your belly-button, ergo, yourself
We hear him say it takes time... But, uh, weren't we told it was already done? So, uh... Sounds like a lie. I don't like lies. So, yes, I'm putting him on the spot about it. I've never had to do that before, and I'm intent on getting an answer.