site fgives me 5 green leds from chaeplin sv01-*sv05 always grey......after some time these 5 green leds get gey....I don`t touch my MNs at all.....after some time they get again green....can someone tell me WTF?
Yes. For one, network glitches, hick-ups, back-end webmaster fiddling and even eventual script bugs.
Second, "darkcoind masternode list | grep xx.xx.xx.xx" ... where xx.xx is you server IP... is what really counts. If it lists as :1 , its active.
All active so... but still have 3 MNs which havent received no payment....the other at least have 1-3
Random + Standard Deviation = Predictable, reliable probabilities.
Random + Standard Deviation + Asswipe nodes still allowed to generate blocks = Watching payments is not indicator of proper setup. The probability doesn't work with that extra monkey wrench.
MN Operators in tis boat should be harping on the bad actors still running outdated darkcoind. Most are just dumbasses, some are deliberately getting it wrong to keep that coin for themselves. Enforcement will remove this monkey wrench and then the probability charts will start to make sense. For now, there's no reason to look a the probability charts as they do not, and cannot, account for this monkey wrench.
After this much time has passed, it can be said that those who have not updated are one of two things:
1) Too stupid to be trusted to run a pool for the good of the network
2) Deliberate douche bags who know damn well what they're doing and refuse to do what is good for the network.
Both can be considered saboteurs.
In both cases, we should keep track of them and blacklist them, by domain, operator name, etc.
People Sub-human trash like this need to get kicked to the curb.