I think Evan is going to be heavy on the PR after RC4. I dont think RC3 should be shouted about at the moment since its more like a public testing.
+1 we should wait for it to be entirely bulletproof
It would be a bad PR move to be public about something still barely tested that could still easily go awry at this point
Payments are working but still not 100% enforced for some pools furthermore
ok i hear you
if RC3 is not 100% bulletproofed and such ….> (we should wait)
but then we should be ready for RC4 and whatever comes after !
in my opinion there has to be a PR team in place for future updates, press releases,
PR concernes, updating to the public (to get more people involved) and to our community.
There was a research here at some point (can not find the page anymore)
where somebody did a research on the community involvement of DRK, and we were way behind Dodge, BTC, LTC,….
(based on numbers from FB, Twitter, google+, bitcointalk,……)
Time to hit the drum and spread the word !
Maybe not today or tomorrow …. but soon !
and for that we need a proper PR team in place !