The primary buyers / whales of DRK and the largest holders have a different worldview of things compared to the "oh I have 20 DRKs and I call myself an investor" attention-deficit-disorder people.
They have more realistic expectations and are not behaving like ...well.... "stupid people". For the most part, at least those who understand cryptocurrencies, understand that a development plan needs time, effort and even trial & error to get it right. The patience level varies between them as there is no uniformity of what they are willing to accept in terms of delays, but most are quite mature in their approach. Besides, even with the delay, the bump from 10% to 20% ensures that they'll get more than they bargained for.
If you have a testnet and dont get it right the second time, there is no excuse. There were lots of people working hard preparing and deploying masternodes. Its just disappointing. I thougt the Nxt AE would be a tricky one to implement, but they did there homework and it runs smooth. This is getting a million dollar grave.
I don't think anybody is looking for excuses here. Masternode payments are a serious hack to the bitcoin protocol because they add further layers of consensus to the network. We could fork another 2 times and still not get it right - until we actually do. The only people "disappointed" are those who do not realize the size of the task, thinking it's something minor. Newsflash: It's isn't. Calibrate your expectations accordingly.
Prior to the May 25th fork I wrote:
For the bet: I'm not a betting guy anymore.
LOL. If you really believed what you were saying, you would have immediately his DRK under 6$ within 3 weeks' bet.
Darkcoin is not Bitcoin. It's in active development. Its code is changing every day and there have been two hard forks in like 10 days. Something can go wrong with a bug, people can flash-crash it in an instant and a candle might appear at 6$. Why bet* on something like that? The masternode hack in particular can be tricky for it requires changes in stratum + p2pools.
It got delayed 2 weeks and it'll still have bugs I believe, that might require extra hard fork.Prior to yesterday's fork I wrote:
Anyone knows what Evan has been up to lately? If not, my guess is that he is preparing a sick announcement for RC4 tomorrow after hard fork.
Given the path that we followed from alpha-beta etc, usually stuff related to DarkSend were first tested on testnet to check them out for problems... I doubt RC4 will go online straight away as without testing it might break existing functionality. It's a 50mn coin right now, you can't just put large updates without test. But even when it was 1-2mn coin, we still went the testnet route first. So probably we'll first see a call for testing RC4 features, when some of these are ready, and then => RC4 announcement.
As for price,
I recommend keeping some cash in reserve to chew panic sellers if something goes wrong. No matter how well tested it is, masternode payments are a big hack to the protocol and they may still present problems. This is not FUD, it's just the way it is regarding such fundamental changes. Let's say the right attitude this time round is "cautiously optimistic".
Am I prophet for writing the above? I just understand what the task is and what to realistically expect.
Anyone thinking that success is 100% guaranteed, is deluded. Even Bitcoin can crash in an instant due to some bug or even fork - without even applying dramatic/fundamental changes. You try your best and hope for the best. If it isn't enough, you try again and again until you succeed. There is no other way. All others are shitting on DRK and then they'll use the same masternode protocol for their own payments, when it's ready. Even Bitcoin might apply something similar to give incentives to node operators as that aspect is not very future-proof.
Thanks Alex, Very objective thinking, and hat off for your opinon about transparent information on testnet.
As an investor, i am very confident in project DARKCOIN and the Dev team, and also shows my respect to the community and the main holder in the market for the great plans we both have.
every event has the bright and dark side. It's not a successful release RC3 yesterday, but a good opportunity to buy low, especially for the main holder/whale.
Right now, the problem and solution are both be found. But IMHO, i still think maybe it's a bit more caution Evan made that decision for such a low probability events which can be fixed by the Network that takes sometimes and by next version release. Nevertheless, You can't blame others pursuit of perfection in software development.
All things, especially the great one, are difficult before they are easy.
Are we getting the 2000 page?