I don't understand, is that a yes?
Sorry for being confusing, I thought I slept enough last night, but I've literally been falling asleep everywhere I go today, LOL.
Yes, port 9999 needs to be open. If you have a router or firewall it may be blocking it?
If your MN private key is from the remote wallet as you stated in the original post, I believe you can get the same error message. Or at least I remember something like that happening. My memory = sh*t though, so
And yes, I probably did repeat myself, when I'm tired like I am now, I get muddled, sorry about that. Edited 'cause I literally did it again, LOL
When you type darkcoind masternode start `head -1` or darkcoind masternode start passphrase_of_wallet in local,
local darkcoind actively connects remote(port 9999) to check it's opened.
As local - remote setup is equal to cold - hot setup, checking local/cold's port 9999 is not needed.
(But both wallet should be fully synced, so run 'masternode start' after syncing is completed)
@illodin Before starting masternode, check whether remote machine is connected with local.
netstat -an | grep remore_ip
If your remote has iptables rule described in
https://www.darkcointalk.org/threads/how-to-set-up-ec2-t1-micro-ubuntu-for-masternode-part-2-3.241/ ,
it limits concurrent connection to port 9999 ( uniq ip : 2 , uniq c class : total 8 )
When "inbound port is not open. Please open it and try again. (19999 for testnet and 9999 for mainnet)" is appeard,
following test step would be best practice.
1) stop local darkcoind
darkcoind stop
2) check whether another darkcoind is running at local
ps -ef | grep dark
3) test remote 9999 port
telnet remoteip 9999
* if port 9999 is not opened, check iptables, ec2 security-groups of remote.
* opened ? "Houston, We Have a Problem"
My test result(testnet)
Iptables deny outbound connection to remote ip
:INPUT ACCEPT [1038:145425]
:OUTPUT ACCEPT [434:87191]
-A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 22 -s -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT
-A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp -j DROP
-A OUTPUT -p tcp -m tcp -d 54.xxx.xxx.242 --dport 19999 -j DROP
ms06@x60t:~> darkcoind masternode start passbla
inbound port is not open. Please open it and try again. (19999 for testnet and 9999 for mainnet)
'-A OUTPUT -p tcp -m tcp -d 54.xxx.xxx.242 --dport 19999 -j DROP' is removed
ms06@x60t:~> darkcoind masternode start passbla
successfully started masternode
remote log
2014-06-19 04:15:35 accepted connection myhomeip:59691
2014-06-19 04:15:36 send version message: version 70018, blocks=21884, us=54.xxx.xxx.242:19999, them=myhomeip:59691, peer=myhomeip:59691
2014-06-19 04:15:36 receive version message: /Satoshi: version 70018, blocks=21884, us=54.xxx.xxx.242:19999, them=, peer=myhomeip:59691
2014-06-19 04:15:36 CDarkSendPool::EnableHotColdMasterNode() - Enabled! You may shut down the cold daemon