I wonder how many people who hold DRK realize that DarkSend is closed source and could be doing one or all of the following:
1. Creating more DRK for the devs so they can slowly cash out on exchanges to maximize profits.
2. Double spend DRK on exchanges or merchant (if any) who accept DRK.
3. Conceal the total amount of DRK that really exists given you can't actually trace where DRK came from on an open and public ledger like BTC and LTC has.
4. DarkSend could have malware that is running on your computer or scanning activity or key logging or even wallet stealing.
I'll never download anything crypto related to my computer that isn't open-source. That is just idiotic.
Sorry, I have to answer to this one:
1. DarkSend is closed source until it's ready or else cloners would clone before it's ready and tested. Those of us using DarkSend use it knowing we're helping to test it, just like many of us have been running masternodes for the past few weeks even so we're not getting paid.
2. No more dark is being created. When the masternodes are paid, they'll be sharing 10% of the mining rewards.
3. There is still an open ledger (blockchain) that keeps track of each coin. The difference is that the coins can not be traced from one wallet to the next.
4. You don't have to download DarkSend to use Darkcoin. Darkcoin is open souirced and when DarkSend is ready, it will also be opensourced.
Now I bid you adieu, you are also on my ignore list. I think I added 5 this morning, LOL