Whether that's true or not, your ignoring the very nature of the altcoin market.
The altcoin market **in general** is possibly a long term hold. But no single coin is. All these coins are experimental at best and money moves seamlessly from one to the next. Individual coins are like players in a footbal team. The team as a whole may be invested in long term, but each player only has a temporary role before the next one comes along to take his place.
Statistically, it's very unlikely that Darkcoin adds much to its valuation from here ever again. If it did it would be a exception and it won't be because it has the best technology. Being in front "technologically" does jack to a coin's valuation. There are loads of coins which have way overtaken Bitcoin, Peercoin and Litecoin technologically but haven't even put a dent in their price.
Darkcoin does, however, have a chance of establishing a brand-based position as market leader in the anonymous transactions market. (If the community don't screw it with misplaced expectations like Blackcoin did). Also, the price to pay for that position of leadership may be a REDUCTION in valuation against bitcoin, not an increase. This has been the case for some (not all) top 10 Alts which have survived the twighlight phase. However we won't really know that till Christmas. We may get the $50 price but because Bitcoin did it, not us.
One thing's for sure, it's the most "to the moon" delusional investors are also the quickest to dump their load and move onto the next thing. That's because they are the ones investing based on price movements and are basically clueless about the real nature of this market, what's driving it and what expectation to have. (I've made my share of dreamland posts w.r.t. price so I don't exclude myself from this criticism).
The way forward is for the investor community to remain informed and realistic with regards to the fundamentals of this coin. What if Evan discovers a problem that he wants to take time to fix but that causes some kind of blockchain disruption ? Is he to sit there paralysed and biting his fingernails about causing a market crash ?
Also, we need to take a constructive approach with regard to competing alternatives. This isn't tribal warfare, it's a big revolution in finance where everyone has a part to play. Even the losers will have played a huge part in the ultimate outcome.
I'm not saying things can't progress well from here, but aim for survival, not the moon. That in itself will be a massive sucess.