What i want to know is how many DRK do i expect per day with a master node at present?
From what i understand, the more masternodes that are running, the smaller the payout?
Masternode payments haven't gone into effect yet, they go into effect with RC2 which is not yet live - probably in the next week or so RC2 will be live. Masternodes will get 10% of mining output, this equals about 900-950 coins per day, divided by the current number of masternodes. Currently there are only 41 masternodes on the network (http://drk.poolhash.org/darksend.html), but I expect this number will climb rapidly once masternode payments go into effect. So at the current level of 41 masternodes each node would be pulling in 23 coins per day. Pretty damn good money actually. My guess is that in 2-3 weeks there will be 100-200 masternodes, so payments would be ~5 coins per day about. Hope that helps.