
Topic: [ANN][DASH] Dash ( | First Self-Funding Self-Governing Crypto Currency - page 6202. (Read 9723748 times)

full member
Activity: 126
Merit: 100
That's what people said about Bitcoin too, of course there were skeptics.

Darkcoin solves what Bitcoin didn't, perfect anonymity.

How is Darkcoin different from Zerocoin, anyway?
a) How do I mine it or purchase it, and
b) how much was premined?


a) mined just like any other crypto - need to download sph-sgminer (see first post)
b) no premine but large # mined in first 24 hours described here:

Lol.. it was not "large mined in first 24h"

im one of the first who started to mining darkcoin.... first week less than 100 miners on the only one pool who existed.
sr. member
Activity: 336
Merit: 250
That's what people said about Bitcoin too, of course there were skeptics.

Darkcoin solves what Bitcoin didn't, perfect anonymity.

How is Darkcoin different from Zerocoin, anyway?
a) How do I mine it or purchase it, and
b) how much was premined?


a) mined just like any other crypto - need to download sph-sgminer (see first post)
b) no premine but large # mined in first 24 hours described here:
Activity: 63
Merit: 0
Anyone could explain the benefits of set an own masternode? I have more than 1k darks so i can create it but why should i make it?

There is some financial penalty for ddos, which the nodes get to keep. Broadcasting rejected transactions results in 0.1 drk being deducted and paid to each random master node that gets picked for every transaction.
You could make a fair profit from just running nodes.

And what if the address which is sending out the requests doesn't have enough DRK to pay the penalty?

Then they can't use the pool, a collateral transaction made out to the master is required to use it. If the client misbehaves in any way it will be cashed, otherwise it's destroyed.
hero member
Activity: 504
Merit: 500
eidoo wallet
That's what people said about Bitcoin too, of course there were skeptics.

Darkcoin solves what Bitcoin didn't, perfect anonymity.

How is Darkcoin different from Zerocoin, anyway?
a) How do I mine it or purchase it, and
b) how much was premined?

Darkcoin exists now. Zerocoin is within an academic paper at the moment.

Zero premine. You can purchase it on any one of half a dozen or so exchanges, and it can be mined pretty easily, with a GPU, or even with a decent CPU. Check out for all the details! The developer, Evan, is super dedicated and working very hard on the coin, and the community, while small, really believes in DRK - now is a great time to get involved, IMHO.

+1, Zerocoin is just whitepaper, centralized, and has a premine.

Darkcoin is reality, has an extremely secure algo(x11), and Dark Gravity Well, completely anonymous, and has No premine or IPO.
hero member
Activity: 546
Merit: 500
01100100 01100001 01110011 01101000
Anyone could explain the benefits of set an own masternode? I have more than 1k darks so i can create it but why should i make it?

There is some financial penalty for ddos, which the nodes get to keep. Broadcasting rejected transactions results in 0.1 drk being deducted and paid to each random master node that gets picked for every transaction.
You could make a fair profit from just running nodes.

And what if the address which is sending out the requests doesn't have enough DRK to pay the penalty?

You can't make a transaction if there are not enough funds (including the penalty)
Activity: 966
Merit: 1000
That's what people said about Bitcoin too, of course there were skeptics.

Darkcoin solves what Bitcoin didn't, perfect anonymity.

How is Darkcoin different from Zerocoin, anyway?
a) How do I mine it or purchase it, and
b) how much was premined?

It's real. It exists. It works.
a) By mining it with a suitably configured mining rig, or purchasing it on an exchange.
b) None.
Activity: 107
Merit: 10
That's what people said about Bitcoin too, of course there were skeptics.

Darkcoin solves what Bitcoin didn't, perfect anonymity.

How is Darkcoin different from Zerocoin, anyway?
a) How do I mine it or purchase it, and
b) how much was premined?

Darkcoin exists now. Zerocoin is within an academic paper at the moment.

Zero premine. You can purchase it on any one of half a dozen or so exchanges, and it can be mined pretty easily, with a GPU, or even with a decent CPU. Check out for all the details! The developer, Evan, is super dedicated and working very hard on the coin, and the community, while small, really believes in DRK - now is a great time to get involved, IMHO.
hero member
Activity: 504
Merit: 500
eidoo wallet
That's what people said about Bitcoin too, of course there were skeptics.

Darkcoin solves what Bitcoin didn't, perfect anonymity.

How is Darkcoin different from Zerocoin, anyway?
a) How do I mine it or purchase it, and
b) how much was premined?

No darkcoin was premined, it can be purchased on exchanges such as Cryptsy and Mintpal.

Zerocoin is centralized, so how "anonymous" it is is basically controlled by the devs and 3rd parties.

Darkcoin can be mined with CPU/GPU, since it's x11 is Highly ASCIS resistant, giving back mining to the general population instead of having companies with millions of dollars dominate it like in Bitcoin and soon to be Litecoin.

Darkcoin was highly undervalued, but which it's release of Darksend(it's finally out of Beta, though not 100%), it's price is going to continue to what it rightfully belongs to be worth.
Activity: 1708
Merit: 1049
Its obviously going to be dumped at some point in the next 24-48 hours, so yes I'm waiting - the question is, how many jump off and what will the price be? I'm thinking it will likely drop back to 0.0025 but maybe we have some pumpers who will hold and it won't drop that low - thoughts?

This is not a coin like BC. You can wait until you are black.
This is DRK - which will change the known crypto world !

I've been on these pages for some time. Im a believer in the project and have mined and am holding a fair few coins. It just seems obvious this is a pump - everyone doesnt all of a sudden think this is the best coin ever! I understand we needed a correction to make value fair but this steep of a climb smells fishy to me.
This is a great coin no doubt, undervalued for a long time. Saying that, I've never seen a chart where a coin pumped 5x+ in value over a short period of hours to a couple days that didn't finish with a massive, fast correction. Some coins like Litecoin recover but never to that high, most coins fall to nothing - obviously Drk wont' fall into this shitcoin category.
Be careful falling for the hype, this is how whales end up with so many coins, they sell at the top and buy when there is blood, despair and panic.

It's not 5x, it's 3x.

Price movements of DRK have traditionally been in the 2.5 - 4x steps.

Early February: 0.00007 => 0.00018 (2.5x) STABLE
Early February pt 2: 0.00018 => 0.0005 (2.8x) STABLE
Mid February 0.0005: => 0.002 (4x) STABLE
Late February pump with hacked BTCs: 0.002 => 0.008 (unstable) => massive dump from btc hackers => 0.0012-16 (stayed there for 2 months)
Mid April: 0.0012 -> 0.0016
Late April: 0.0016 -> 0.005 (3x)

Compare this with some shitcoin pumps of 10-15-20-50-100x

That's because Darkcoin is the only coin besides Bitcoin that actually has something to offer. Litecoin's scrypt algo is going to be overrun by ASCIS's soon, Darkcoin's x11 algo won't have an ASCIS touch it for many years. Coins like Darkcoin aren't ones you see everyday.

First of all, I'm an investor in Darkcoin. With that being said, I've heard the same thing said about Quark and Blackcoin. I've been lucky enough to be apart of both of those pumps. Each coin says they offer something that no other coin offers. With Quark it is several layers of security. With Blackcoin it is PoS to buy Blackcoins to cause the price to go up. I've read the [ANN] of several other coins as well. They all say that same thing.

I'm in it for the money, not to be a bagholder of a coin like I was with Quark. I sell on the upswings in price. When Darkcoin gets dumped from this pump (and it will), I will have sold my coins at a much higher price than I bought them for just like I did with Blackcoin.

I wish you luck with your Darkcoin. I hope it never gets dumped. But if it does I will be ready to sell. While Darkcoin may be a great coin, the features of the coin are not what is causing the price to rise so dramatically. The reason for that is a pump in price.

Regarding dumping...The first wave yesterday brought much dumping on it but then it continued further with not much dumping resistance:

...which is kind'of'interesting.
Activity: 1484
Merit: 1005
That's what people said about Bitcoin too, of course there were skeptics.

Darkcoin solves what Bitcoin didn't, perfect anonymity.

How is Darkcoin different from Zerocoin, anyway?
a) How do I mine it or purchase it, and
b) how much was premined?

Totally different crypto
Activity: 1414
Merit: 1000
Its obviously going to be dumped at some point in the next 24-48 hours, so yes I'm waiting - the question is, how many jump off and what will the price be? I'm thinking it will likely drop back to 0.0025 but maybe we have some pumpers who will hold and it won't drop that low - thoughts?

This is not a coin like BC. You can wait until you are black.
This is DRK - which will change the known crypto world !

I've been on these pages for some time. Im a believer in the project and have mined and am holding a fair few coins. It just seems obvious this is a pump - everyone doesnt all of a sudden think this is the best coin ever! I understand we needed a correction to make value fair but this steep of a climb smells fishy to me.
This is a great coin no doubt, undervalued for a long time. Saying that, I've never seen a chart where a coin pumped 5x+ in value over a short period of hours to a couple days that didn't finish with a massive, fast correction. Some coins like Litecoin recover but never to that high, most coins fall to nothing - obviously Drk wont' fall into this shitcoin category.
Be careful falling for the hype, this is how whales end up with so many coins, they sell at the top and buy when there is blood, despair and panic.

It's not 5x, it's 3x.

Price movements of DRK have traditionally been in the 2.5 - 4x steps.

Early February: 0.00007 => 0.00018 (2.5x) STABLE
Early February pt 2: 0.00018 => 0.0005 (2.8x) STABLE
Mid February 0.0005: => 0.002 (4x) STABLE
Late February pump with hacked BTCs: 0.002 => 0.008 (unstable) => massive dump from btc hackers => 0.0012-16 (stayed there for 2 months)
Mid April: 0.0012 -> 0.0016
Late April: 0.0016 -> 0.005 (3x)

Compare this with some shitcoin pumps of 10-15-20-50-100x

That's because Darkcoin is the only coin besides Bitcoin that actually has something to offer. Litecoin's scrypt algo is going to be overrun by ASCIS's soon, Darkcoin's x11 algo won't have an ASCIS touch it for many years. Coins like Darkcoin aren't ones you see everyday.

First of all, I'm an investor in Darkcoin. With that being said, I've heard the same thing said about Quark and Blackcoin. I've been lucky enough to be apart of both of those pumps. Each coin says they offer something that no other coin offers. With Quark it is several layers of security. With Blackcoin it is PoS to buy Blackcoins to cause the price to go up. I've read the [ANN] of several other coins as well. They all say that same thing.

I'm in it for the money, not to be a bagholder of a coin like I was with Quark. I sell on the upswings in price. When Darkcoin gets dumped from this pump (and it will), I will have sold my coins at a much higher price than I bought them for just like I did with Blackcoin.

I wish you luck with your Darkcoin. I hope it never gets dumped. But if it does I will be ready to sell. While Darkcoin may be a great coin, the features of the coin are not what is causing the price to rise so dramatically. The reason for that is a pump in price.

this is true.. if you think with your feet that is
Lol. He's thinking with his brain, unlike most pump/dump victims (yeah, I've been one couple times so I get it).
Everyone knew darksend was coming, the news was a great excuse for a pump.
hero member
Activity: 504
Merit: 500
eidoo wallet
Its obviously going to be dumped at some point in the next 24-48 hours, so yes I'm waiting - the question is, how many jump off and what will the price be? I'm thinking it will likely drop back to 0.0025 but maybe we have some pumpers who will hold and it won't drop that low - thoughts?

This is not a coin like BC. You can wait until you are black.
This is DRK - which will change the known crypto world !

I've been on these pages for some time. Im a believer in the project and have mined and am holding a fair few coins. It just seems obvious this is a pump - everyone doesnt all of a sudden think this is the best coin ever! I understand we needed a correction to make value fair but this steep of a climb smells fishy to me.
This is a great coin no doubt, undervalued for a long time. Saying that, I've never seen a chart where a coin pumped 5x+ in value over a short period of hours to a couple days that didn't finish with a massive, fast correction. Some coins like Litecoin recover but never to that high, most coins fall to nothing - obviously Drk wont' fall into this shitcoin category.
Be careful falling for the hype, this is how whales end up with so many coins, they sell at the top and buy when there is blood, despair and panic.

It's not 5x, it's 3x.

Price movements of DRK have traditionally been in the 2.5 - 4x steps.

Early February: 0.00007 => 0.00018 (2.5x) STABLE
Early February pt 2: 0.00018 => 0.0005 (2.8x) STABLE
Mid February 0.0005: => 0.002 (4x) STABLE
Late February pump with hacked BTCs: 0.002 => 0.008 (unstable) => massive dump from btc hackers => 0.0012-16 (stayed there for 2 months)
Mid April: 0.0012 -> 0.0016
Late April: 0.0016 -> 0.005 (3x)

Compare this with some shitcoin pumps of 10-15-20-50-100x

That's because Darkcoin is the only coin besides Bitcoin that actually has something to offer. Litecoin's scrypt algo is going to be overrun by ASCIS's soon, Darkcoin's x11 algo won't have an ASCIS touch it for many years. Coins like Darkcoin aren't ones you see everyday.

First of all, I'm an investor in Darkcoin. With that being said, I've heard the same thing said about Quark and Blackcoin. I've been lucky enough to be apart of both of those pumps. Each coin says they offer something that no other coin offers. With Quark it is several layers of security. With Blackcoin it is PoS to buy Blackcoins to cause the price to go up. I've read the [ANN] of several other coins as well. They all say that same thing.

I'm in it for the money, not to be a bagholder of a coin like I was with Quark. I sell on the upswings in price. When Darkcoin gets dumped from this pump (and it will), I will have sold my coins at a much higher price than I bought them for just like I did with Blackcoin.

I wish you luck with your Darkcoin. I hope it never gets dumped. But if it does I will be ready to sell. While Darkcoin may be a great coin, the features of the coin are not what is causing the price to rise so dramatically. The reason for that is a pump in price.

this is true.. if you think with your feet that is

Most people don't think with their heads, hence why so many missed out on Bitcoin. Darkcoin is the next Bitcoin. Let them keep thinking with their feet.
Activity: 82
Merit: 10
That's what people said about Bitcoin too, of course there were skeptics.

Darkcoin solves what Bitcoin didn't, perfect anonymity.

How is Darkcoin different from Zerocoin, anyway?
a) How do I mine it or purchase it, and
b) how much was premined?
sr. member
Activity: 364
Merit: 250
Pre-sale - March 18
Its obviously going to be dumped at some point in the next 24-48 hours, so yes I'm waiting - the question is, how many jump off and what will the price be? I'm thinking it will likely drop back to 0.0025 but maybe we have some pumpers who will hold and it won't drop that low - thoughts?

This is not a coin like BC. You can wait until you are black.
This is DRK - which will change the known crypto world !

I've been on these pages for some time. Im a believer in the project and have mined and am holding a fair few coins. It just seems obvious this is a pump - everyone doesnt all of a sudden think this is the best coin ever! I understand we needed a correction to make value fair but this steep of a climb smells fishy to me.
This is a great coin no doubt, undervalued for a long time. Saying that, I've never seen a chart where a coin pumped 5x+ in value over a short period of hours to a couple days that didn't finish with a massive, fast correction. Some coins like Litecoin recover but never to that high, most coins fall to nothing - obviously Drk wont' fall into this shitcoin category.
Be careful falling for the hype, this is how whales end up with so many coins, they sell at the top and buy when there is blood, despair and panic.

It's not 5x, it's 3x.

Price movements of DRK have traditionally been in the 2.5 - 4x steps.

Early February: 0.00007 => 0.00018 (2.5x) STABLE
Early February pt 2: 0.00018 => 0.0005 (2.8x) STABLE
Mid February 0.0005: => 0.002 (4x) STABLE
Late February pump with hacked BTCs: 0.002 => 0.008 (unstable) => massive dump from btc hackers => 0.0012-16 (stayed there for 2 months)
Mid April: 0.0012 -> 0.0016
Late April: 0.0016 -> 0.005 (3x)

Compare this with some shitcoin pumps of 10-15-20-50-100x

That's because Darkcoin is the only coin besides Bitcoin that actually has something to offer. Litecoin's scrypt algo is going to be overrun by ASCIS's soon, Darkcoin's x11 algo won't have an ASCIS touch it for many years. Coins like Darkcoin aren't ones you see everyday.

First of all, I'm an investor in Darkcoin. With that being said, I've heard the same thing said about Quark and Blackcoin. I've been lucky enough to be apart of both of those pumps. Each coin says they offer something that no other coin offers. With Quark it is several layers of security. With Blackcoin it is PoS to buy Blackcoins to cause the price to go up. I've read the [ANN] of several other coins as well. They all say that same thing.

I'm in it for the money, not to be a bagholder of a coin like I was with Quark. I sell on the upswings in price. When Darkcoin gets dumped from this pump (and it will), I will have sold my coins at a much higher price than I bought them for just like I did with Blackcoin.

I wish you luck with your Darkcoin. I hope it never gets dumped. But if it does I will be ready to sell. While Darkcoin may be a great coin, the features of the coin are not what is causing the price to rise so dramatically. The reason for that is a pump in price.

this is true.. if you think with your feet that is
hero member
Activity: 966
Merit: 1003
I'm in it for the money, not to be a bagholder of a coin like I was with Quark. I sell on the upswings in price. When Darkcoin gets dumped from this pump (and it will), I will have sold my coins at a much higher price than I bought them for just like I did with Blackcoin.

Do you use a bot or just stay awake 24/7 until dump?
hero member
Activity: 504
Merit: 500
eidoo wallet
That's what people said about Bitcoin too, of course there were skeptics.

Darkcoin solves what Bitcoin didn't, perfect anonymity.
Activity: 1414
Merit: 1000
Its obviously going to be dumped at some point in the next 24-48 hours, so yes I'm waiting - the question is, how many jump off and what will the price be? I'm thinking it will likely drop back to 0.0025 but maybe we have some pumpers who will hold and it won't drop that low - thoughts?

This is not a coin like BC. You can wait until you are black.
This is DRK - which will change the known crypto world !

I've been on these pages for some time. Im a believer in the project and have mined and am holding a fair few coins. It just seems obvious this is a pump - everyone doesnt all of a sudden think this is the best coin ever! I understand we needed a correction to make value fair but this steep of a climb smells fishy to me.
This is a great coin no doubt, undervalued for a long time. Saying that, I've never seen a chart where a coin pumped 5x+ in value over a short period of hours to a couple days that didn't finish with a massive, fast correction. Some coins like Litecoin recover but never to that high, most coins fall to nothing - obviously Drk wont' fall into this shitcoin category.
Be careful falling for the hype, this is how whales end up with so many coins, they sell at the top and buy when there is blood, despair and panic.

It's not 5x, it's 3x.

Price movements of DRK have traditionally been in the 2.5 - 4x steps.

Early February: 0.00007 => 0.00018 (2.5x) STABLE
Early February pt 2: 0.00018 => 0.0005 (2.8x) STABLE
Mid February 0.0005: => 0.002 (4x) STABLE
Late February pump with hacked BTCs: 0.002 => 0.008 (unstable) => massive dump from btc hackers => 0.0012-16 (stayed there for 2 months)
Mid April: 0.0012 -> 0.0016
Late April: 0.0016 -> 0.005 (3x)

Compare this with some shitcoin pumps of 10-15-20-50-100x

That's because Darkcoin is the only coin besides Bitcoin that actually has something to offer. Litecoin's scrypt algo is going to be overrun by ASCIS's soon, Darkcoin's x11 algo won't have an ASCIS touch it for many years. Coins like Darkcoin aren't ones you see everyday.
I didn't say it was 5x yet, I said be careful falling for hype because it's getting close. It's the whale's greatest tool, making holders think the price will keep rising or stabilize at a price 5x+ higher than it was a couple days before. If the new floor of Dark is .005+ that's awesome, it will be the first time I've ever seen this this happen.
Not trying to spread fud, just trying to offer friendly advice.
sr. member
Activity: 434
Merit: 250
Its obviously going to be dumped at some point in the next 24-48 hours, so yes I'm waiting - the question is, how many jump off and what will the price be? I'm thinking it will likely drop back to 0.0025 but maybe we have some pumpers who will hold and it won't drop that low - thoughts?

This is not a coin like BC. You can wait until you are black.
This is DRK - which will change the known crypto world !

I've been on these pages for some time. Im a believer in the project and have mined and am holding a fair few coins. It just seems obvious this is a pump - everyone doesnt all of a sudden think this is the best coin ever! I understand we needed a correction to make value fair but this steep of a climb smells fishy to me.
This is a great coin no doubt, undervalued for a long time. Saying that, I've never seen a chart where a coin pumped 5x+ in value over a short period of hours to a couple days that didn't finish with a massive, fast correction. Some coins like Litecoin recover but never to that high, most coins fall to nothing - obviously Drk wont' fall into this shitcoin category.
Be careful falling for the hype, this is how whales end up with so many coins, they sell at the top and buy when there is blood, despair and panic.

It's not 5x, it's 3x.

Price movements of DRK have traditionally been in the 2.5 - 4x steps.

Early February: 0.00007 => 0.00018 (2.5x) STABLE
Early February pt 2: 0.00018 => 0.0005 (2.8x) STABLE
Mid February 0.0005: => 0.002 (4x) STABLE
Late February pump with hacked BTCs: 0.002 => 0.008 (unstable) => massive dump from btc hackers => 0.0012-16 (stayed there for 2 months)
Mid April: 0.0012 -> 0.0016
Late April: 0.0016 -> 0.005 (3x)

Compare this with some shitcoin pumps of 10-15-20-50-100x

That's because Darkcoin is the only coin besides Bitcoin that actually has something to offer. Litecoin's scrypt algo is going to be overrun by ASCIS's soon, Darkcoin's x11 algo won't have an ASCIS touch it for many years. Coins like Darkcoin aren't ones you see everyday.

First of all, I'm an investor in Darkcoin. With that being said, I've heard the same thing said about Quark and Blackcoin. I've been lucky enough to be apart of both of those pumps. Each coin says they offer something that no other coin offers. With Quark it is several layers of security. With Blackcoin it is PoS to buy Blackcoins to cause the price to go up. I've read the [ANN] of several other coins as well. They all say that same thing.

I'm in it for the money, not to be a bagholder of a coin like I was with Quark. I sell on the upswings in price. When Darkcoin gets dumped from this pump (and it will), I will have sold my coins at a much higher price than I bought them for just like I did with Blackcoin.

I wish you luck with your Darkcoin. I hope it never gets dumped. But if it does I will be ready to sell. While Darkcoin may be a great coin, the features of the coin are not what is causing the price to rise so dramatically. The reason for that is a pump in price.

Activity: 266
Merit: 0
Anyone could explain the benefits of set an own masternode? I have more than 1k darks so i can create it but why should i make it?

There is some financial penalty for ddos, which the nodes get to keep. Broadcasting rejected transactions results in 0.1 drk being deducted and paid to each random master node that gets picked for every transaction.
You could make a fair profit from just running nodes.

And what if the address which is sending out the requests doesn't have enough DRK to pay the penalty?
hero member
Activity: 504
Merit: 500
eidoo wallet
Darkcoin is the only coin besides Bitcoin that I've ever bought. Hope to use these to buy goods from retail stores online etc, excited!!
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